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The Research On Poverty Issue Of Mubarak Period In Egypt

Posted on:2017-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330488469333Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2011, under massive public demonstrations, the Mubarak government ruled Egypt for 30 years fell down, then Egyptian society was in a mess. Egypt as a traditional political, military and economic power in the Middle East, even was considered to be representative of the steady development in the Middle East before the revolution. The whole world was shocked with Egypt's sudden collapse, and then a heated discussion over the cause of the downfall of the Mubarak government started. Although think differently, but most scholars have reached a consensus, that is, the poverty problem not solved for a long time is one of the main reasons lead to the fall of the Mubarak government.Poverty in Egypt has a long history, Mubarak's poverty inherited from the period of Nasser and Sadat. In addition, the authoritarian political system of Nasser and economic model of Sadat both have a significant impact on poverty of Mubarak in Egypt. The Mubarak government from the beginning continue to take the conservative poverty alleviation policy in Nasser and Sadat period. After 10 years of steady development, accompanied by a sharp deterioration of the economy in 1990, the poverty in Egypt is also worsening, Egyptian society was at the brink of collapse. In this context, the Mubarak government began to implement a series of positive, comprehensive and systematic poverty alleviation policy under the pressure of the international monetary fund and world bank, but the Mubarak did not abandon poverty reduction policy made by Nasser and Sadat. Therefore, in the late 20 years of Mubarak's ruling, both old and new poverty alleviation policies together effected in the Egyptian society.After the implementation of comprehensive poverty alleviation policy, Mubarak implemented a series of projects benefit the people, such as construction of more hospitals, schools, housing, etc.; Provide professional skills training and micro-loans for poor families. But these policies on the poor out of poverty and improve living standard's is very limited. On the whole, the population of the poor and poverty ratein Egypt remain high; Secondly, the health care, education, housing level of the poor is still low.Although the Mubarak government introduced a comprehensive poverty alleviation policy, and also invested a lot of money, however, Mubarak's poverty has not been solved, or even significantly improved. There are many reasons for the failure of the poverty alleviation of Mubarak government, that the defect of Mubarak poverty alleviation policy is only a secondary factor; The rights of citizens hollowing out of poverty population under authoritarianism is the main factor; And Egypt's fragile economy of Mubarak is definitely the fundamental factor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Egypt, Mubarak, Poverty
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