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The Influence Of The Military In Egyptian Politics And Society

Posted on:2016-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461450505Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of nineteenth Century, Egypt has experienced profound military-based reform and modernization. This reform and modernization which led by Mohamed Ali had fueled the birth of the Egyptian army in modern sense. In the colonization period and the followed constitutional period, the Egyptian Army played a leading role in the movement for Egyptian independence, liberty and democracy. After the July revolution which broke out in 1952, Nasser established a military regime, officers play a more significant role in the country. Sadat continued to promote the Egyptian military professionalization which was initiated by Nasser, and achieved remarkable results. The October war broke the diplomatic dilemma Egypt faced and helped the turn of the Egyptian diplomatic strategy. Sadat pursued a strategy of peace which keep peace with Israel and meanwhile develop military relations with America. This was also the legacy Sadat left to Mubarak.In the political field, Mubarak appointed a large number of retired officers entered into governments at all levels. They kept loyal to Mubarak and defended his authoritarian rule. And Mubarak in turn provided cover for officers. Thus there was a mutually beneficial relationship between the two. In the field of economy, military widely involved in all walks of life and established a strong economic empire. Its total economic output accounted for a large share of the national economy. From there, the military has become an interest group and economic benefits has always been its core interests. In Mubarak era, the Egyptian military aimed to seek wealth rather than improve people’s livelihood, even at the expense of interests of soldiers and country. In the diplomatic field, the Egyptian army was also the key influential factor. Because Israel was supported by America, Egypt cannot defeat Israel in the battle. And the only solution for Egypt to solve the problem was to keep peace with Israel, but the distrust could not remove due to long-term military confrontation between the two. The two countries thus maintained long-term cold peace with each other. In the social field, the function of military was relatively weak, but the military still tried to strengthen their influence. There were many retired officers went into social institutions participating or heading in leadership.Through the study of the Egyptian army, we can draw this conclusion: the military was the pillar of the regime in Egypt and Mubarak’s resignation was just because he lost the support of the military. The military as a interest group, put their own interests first. In the post Mubarak period, whether Morsy was ousted by the military or Sisi became the president, all indicated that the Egyptian military was the defender of their own interests.
Keywords/Search Tags:Egypt, Mubarak, Military
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