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Aesthetic Life

Posted on:2017-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Ordinarily,when philosophers are thinking about life and death,the whole of his philosophy and the meaning of life are reflected. Zhuangzi's philosophy can not be separated from Lao Tzu's philosophy,The difference between them is that Zhuangzi's philosophy is more profound.Explain everything with no heart,don't expect inaction become into stop at nothing.In zhuangzi's view,life and death is a helpless process,people have no way to change the process.On zhuangzi's equality realm of all things in the world are equal.Zhuangzi's nature mainly comprises nature,natural conditions and the inherent laws of everything in the world.That's to say,in Zhuangzi the natural dimension of aesthetics embodies the higher unity of The Heaven and men in the horizon of the Heaven-man in the original word,and we could called it “You”.I think Zhangzi in dealing with the issue of life and death is the same as the way of "You". "You" in the Zhangzi's surface with a very absurd way to reflect, in fact,contains a sacred theme of life. "Birth" is a living, "death" is just another kind of life.After the death of the man,through the special cycle, the life and death are connected.The birth and death of the link by "gas" connectivity.The "You" of Zhaungzi has abundant connotation,It has three types of formations,respectively corresponding theory,heart and material.It could be understood as Zhuangzi's perception of the principle of the process.Like a spiral of gas rising, after repeated purification, refining,to reach the realm of human life.On the aesthetic judgment of Zhangzi's aesthetic life. First of all correctly understand their own environment, understand the same nature between life and death,to get rid of the obsession and fear of death.On the basis of understanding that there is no difference between things, conform to the natural process in the preservation of their own nature.Finally, through a series of physical and mental approach, with a clear mind of all things, from the game participants into a game operator.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhuangzi, You, Aesthetic life, View of life and death
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