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A Report On The Translation Of A Systems Perspective On Mental Wellbeing And Quality Of Life: Testing A Model Of Dietary Behavior, Physical Condition And Inflammation On Quality Of Life In A Nationally Representative Dataset (Chapter 5-6)

Posted on:2017-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P NieFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is a project report on the translation of the fifth and sixth chapter of A Systems Perspective on Mental Wellbeing and Quality of Life: Testing a Model of Dietary Behavior, Physical Condition and Inflammation on Quality of Life in a Nationally Representative Dataset, a dissertation published by ProQuest LLC, an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based global information-content and technology company founded in 1938, in 2015.The source text of this translation project analyzes the relationship between brain health and the quality of life from a systemic point of view. As mental health and general well-being of humanity have become a concern for many Chinese people, to translate this source text into Chinese will offer some answers to that problem.Functional equivalence theory, Skopos Theory, and theories put forward by Michael Henry Heim & Andrzej W. Tymownski are adopted to make the translated version as literal as the Chinese language allows with the stylistic particularities and the original model of argumentation kept to the greatest extent. In the translation process, some translation skills are appropriately used, such as amplification,conversion and omission.This report is comprised of four parts. The first part makes a brief introduction to the background, objective, significance, and structure of this project. The second part is a brief account of the source text. The third part talks about the preparations for this translation. The fourth part address the process of this translation project and the translation problems and their solutions. The fifth part makes a summary of the lessons gained and problems to be solved concerning this translation project.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project report, A Systems Perspective on Mental Wellbeing and Quality of Life: Testing a Model of Dietary Behavior, Physical Condition and Inflammation on Quality of Life in a Nationally Representative Dataset,functional equivalence theory
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