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The Study On Persian Terrorist Group Al-mura'i During From 11th To 13th Century

Posted on:2017-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330482495435Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Al-Mura'i,a religious terrorist organization in the center of Alamut,mainly engaged in the assassination in the northwest of Persia during the 11-13 century.They believed in Islam,belonged to a branch of Shia Ismaili-Nizari,whose founder was Hsan b.Sabbah.They propagated self-sacrifice to enter "spirit heaven",specializing in terrorist activities to assassinate political opponents.Eventually,they were destroyed by Mongolian cavalry leaded by Hulagu Khan in 1256.It was named "assassin" originated from that its believers took a narcotics known as "assassin"(marijuana) before the assassination,which was called in English books,while, in China historical books,it was called "al-Mura'i",whose meaning was "hypocrite" or "heresy".Deeply studying the development of al-Mura'i can provide a new perspective for the terrorism research.Besides,the introduction of the paper can be divided into three parts.The first part analyzes the forming reason of al-Mura'i.The three splits of Islam were reason in religious aspect why it was founded.The reasons from political views were because the decline of Abbasid Dynasty and the rise of the Seljuk Empire.Al-Mura'i was located in the al-Alamut's geographical environment.The second part discusses the development of al-Mura'i,which expounds the religious philosophy of Nizari,including,the esoteric theory of Quran,the holy theory of number "7",the adventurism theory of the hidden Imam,and the emanion theory of Neoplatonism.Al-Mura'i was a leading group with strict disciplines and tight systems,consisting of chief missionary,major missionary, missionary,and leader Fidai(a life-giver).Strictly trained Fidais were used for attacking political and religious enemies in the way of threatening,poisoning and assassinating,as well as illustrates policies of each ruler in Alamut age.The third section summarizes the causes and effects of perdition of al-Mura'i. First of all,al-Mura'i itself was a religious extremist organization,which did not have a regular army,and simply relied on Fidai undertaking assassinations to complete political purposes.Moreover,the later period of its domination,rulers with different political views killed each other.Slack morale was an important cause of its demise.At last, al-Mura'i frequently looted Mongolian businessman that was a serious threat to Mongolian activities around Iran and eventually became a stumbling block to the west expedition of Mongolian military.In the end,through compared differences and similarities between al-Mura'i and terrorist activities in contemporary era, this paper draws some inspiration to deal with terrorism activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:al-Mura'i, Assassin, Alamut, Nizari, Terrorism
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