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A Research On Assassins In Han Dynasty

Posted on:2018-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515482569Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article mainly takes the assassin group in the Han Dynasty as the research object,on the basis of drawing on the previous research results,explores the assassins and their activities comprehensive in the Han Dynasty.The first chapter mainly examine the assassins of the Han Dynasty and their activities.Specific content includes the type of assassin,the identity of the assassin,the assassination activities in the Han Dynasty and the assassination of the form of assassination.These four essential elements are directly related to assassin and assassin activities.The second chapter explores the background and causes of assassins.Assassin activities is not only related to popular revenge of the atmosphere in the Han Dynasty,but also related to the state power on the grassroots level of control.Among them,the revenge of the atmosphere is so prevailing that the assassin has the existence and development of space,and the limited control of the state at the grassroots level has resulted in a significant reduction in restrictions on assassin activity.The third chapter explores the strategies and measures of the country facing the assassins.The Han Dynasty regime adopted a composite coping strategy,that is combating and using simultaneously.The so-called combat is taking effective measures to control the assassin activities in the political and legal levels.The country appointed harsh officials in the administrative level and legislated at the legal level;The so-called use refers to the assassin activities representing the interests of the state.In this case,the government supports encouraging the assassins to act and reward for the national interest.The fourth chapter discusses the influence of assassin activities on the society of Han Dynasty.On one hand,we explore the assassin activities and the political ecology of the Han Dynasty through the consolidation of historical data;On the other hand,we examine the social impact of the assassin activities in the wider socialsphere and the social phenomena that have spawned.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty, assassin, assassin activities, assassination
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