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Studies In The Development Of The Pop Art

Posted on:2016-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330461993529Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pop art is a form of art was born in UK in 1950s, it was generated by the special consumer era that driven by the commercial society gradually mature, it is closely connect with consumer society, "POP" is generate by pop artist Richard Hamilton's masterpiece "Just what it that makes today's home so different, so appealing?" After it's born and development in UK, it was continues to develop and prosperity in 1960s' USA, there are many great pop artists at that time in America, then, the pop continues development and flourish in many countries all around the world, many special pop's forms was born at that time. The development of pop in France?Japan and China are the most representative of the pop's development.This paper tries to combine the general trace of pop art development, in the view of the development of the time, try from two parts to the development of the pop art all around the world. The paper is mainly divided into five chapters. The first and second chapter are the first part, mainly introduced the source of pop art, it's born in UK and it's flourish in America; the second part include the chapter four and chapter five, mainly introduced the pop's development in France?Japan and China, the special pop art forms mainly includes French new realism?Japanese cartoon pop and Chinese pop. The key and difficult points of this paper are the analysis of screening and represents pop artists and their pictures in different times from different countries.
Keywords/Search Tags:pop art, consumer world, development, Andy Warhol, Chinese pop
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