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Conversion Of Complex Concepts In Contemporary Andy Warhol Silkscreen Prints

Posted on:2014-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y BoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401471297Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pop Art1950’s germination in the United Kingdom in themid-fifties rooted in the economic rise of the United Statesafter World War II, the expansion of the business communityconsumption, by Andy Warhol, Robert Lawson Berger AmericanPoppromote highly creative artist, pop art has becomepopular in the1960s in the United States. The success ofthe Pop Art contemporary art pioneer-the Marcel Duchampthrow the Pandora’s box is open, triggered a of arthistorians series followed subversive ideas."Pop" the endof European modern art movement in the United States riseonce the height of the situation, as defined in the historyof Western art from the transformation of "modern" art"contemporary" art historical coordinates. In this popmovement, Andy Warhol led the way, keen grasp the pulse ofthe times of America’s postwar economic development, as theproduction of the machine copy of the consumer society onbehalf of commercial advertising and media images of popularculture, smooth art since elitism values, since the deep-rooted in the neoclassical art popularized and unusualperspective of life. Wave sweeping the world with the PopArt, Andy Warhol became the spiritual leader of thismovement.Most of the pop art of Andy Warhol screen photosensitiveprinting, excluding the traditional hand-painting focuseson the language of the spirit of the performance ofindividual artists, suppress the emotional equivalent to thecreative process machinery production, mass duplication,copy the business communityin the cultural symbols. Printscomplex concept as a subsidiary of printing, congenitaltransmission, copy the practical function in a way that fitswith the machine to copy the cultural characteristics of thetimes. Andy Warhol take advantage of these qualities, thecomplex language materialized as the expression of the ideasof artistic creation, making prints complex conceptconnotation and extension of transcendence andtransformation in the evolution of contemporary art, andeventually get rid of the shackles of the long-formalistaesthetics began to intervene in the concept of visualallegory of contemporary expressions. The awakening of theconcept of contemporary art and printing technologyinnovation intensified prints contemporary conversion ofthe complex concept. Prints and photographic art is exactlythe same, verified Walter Benjamin disruptive predictionsof traditional art in the age of mechanical reproduction ofworks of art ".This argument of the complex concept contemporarytransformation in the Andy Warhol silkscreen prints, re-understanding of the complex concept back to thedefinition of the prints and what is the fundamental problemof the prints. Firstly, from the forefront of the developmentof Western contemporary art theory perspective,interpretation of contemporary art from the form to theconcept of aesthetic transmutation, and pop art criticismof the traditional aesthetic values and away from. Next, thesecond chapter of Walter Benjamin machine reproduction artaesthetic speculation, to explore the "Copy" and "originaltruth" the dialectical relationship between Andy Warholsilkscreen prints. From Walter Benjamin’s production of"aesthetic, historical and cultural background tounderstand the concept of printmaking complex contemporarytransformation, analysis the complex painting among thecontemporary art medium of expression of the internal andexternal factors. Explore Chapter trace the origin of thedomain of painting Development History "plural" widespreadphenomenon of art and plural language solidaritypsychological impact on human life. Summary complex conceptin the development and evolution of contemporary art, theinterpretation of the interaction of Andy Warhol silkscreenprints plural form of language and ideas. Part of the endof the fourth chapter Bian Di Warhol silkscreen prints andtraditional printmaking concept differences, as well as anintroduction to modern copy of science and technology in thegraphic art. Reveal the context of contemporary the pluralconnotation and extension of the depth extension theorycontradictory situation, the re-understanding of the printsto tease out the clear logic of context. Contemporary art is diverse, heterogeneous cultureintegration, complex definition of the concept of thetraditional printmaking failure to break the theoreticaldefinition of the prints and non-prints, prints and othertypes of art exchanges and penetration. In contemporary artmore broadly conceptual level, the complex concept into theimaging of the awareness of artists with the artisticconcepts rheological concept of a carrier for artisticcreation. To clarify the concept of printmaking pluralhistoric opportunity for transformation in modern art tocontemporary art, the language development of forms ofcontemporary artistic concepts into the future ofprintmaking to a constructive reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Complex concept, Andy Warhol, Contemporary
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