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Professor Yang Xiangkun's Experience In The Treatment Of Coronary Heart Disease Arrhythmia

Posted on:2019-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330545983183Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Coronary heart arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm caused by abnormal heart impulses(including impulse rhythm,conduction velocity,and impulse origin),the abnormoal impulses which prolonged blood supply and insufficient oxygen supply to cardiac cells.More than half of patients with coronary heart disease have arrhythmia,which belongs to the category of "heart palpitations" in Chinese medicine.Using western medicine treatment alone can also have better therapeutic effects,but the economic burden caused by taking it for a long time,drug toxicity and drug resistance,and even the induction of newly generated arrhythmia have been urgently resolved.Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of arrhythmia,and under the guidance of the “overall concept”,learning from the overall regulation,in addition to the problems of heart disease itself,it also jointly adjusts the functions of other organs that affect its incidence,and exerts the greatest effect through synergy.Instructor Yang Xiangkun has been teaching clinical and scientific research in cardiology for more than 40 years.He not only has a deep understanding of the modern medical theory of arrhythmia of coronary heart disease,but also has profound understanding of traditional Chinese medicine theory and rich experience in clinical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.This article mainly introduces and ummarizes Professor Yang Xiangkun's experience in TCM knowledge and treatment of this disease.Methods: 1,Review the previous research topics of the tutor and arrange the content of the tutor to provide the ancient books of Chinese medicine,refine and summarize the theory of the etiology and pathogenesis of coronary heart disease arrhythmia,and the theory of syndrome differentiation and treatment;2,clinical clinic with the teacher to copy the square,through consulting the teacher and other teachers in the department,thinking And summed up the key points of differentiation,treatment characteristics and drug law.3,Summarizes the modern pharmacology of Yang 's single-taste Chinese medicine for treating heart palpitations.Results: On the basis of summarizing the experience of famous Chinese medicine practitioners and years of clinical experience,Yang proposed a unique and unique approach to dialectical treatment of arrhythmia in coronary heart disease.1,Yang believes that coronary heart disease arrhythmia should be the evidence of this false standard,which is the deficiency of yin and yang deficiency of blood,heart loss,raising,can be sent to heart palpitations;in fact,more refers to the fire,blocking,drinking stopped in the heart and then causes the blood to run poorly.At the same time because of the close relationship between the five internal organs.heart palpitations are divided into the heart of the disease and his two kinds of dirty and disease,need to be combined with actual dialectical treatment.2,Yang's treatment of heart palpitations is divided into seven ways as intoadjusting liver and stomach with the method of calm the nerves;nourishing yin of heart and controlling yang of liver;strengthening our defense against external evil spirits and making the vitality stronger;tonifying spleen and nourishing heart;warming and strengthening the kidney nd nourishing the heart to calm the nerves;replenishing qi to invigorate the spleen and reduce phlegm;promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis.Objective: To summarize the clinical experience of Yang's treatment of heart palpitations,to provide new ideas for the treatment of TCM and to guide our junior medical students to treat patients with arrhythmia in coronary heart disease,improving their quality of life,and delaying their development.The progression of coronary heart disease to heart failure has continued to evolve and contribute to the development of the medical profession.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yang Xiangkun, Experience summary, Coronary heart disease, Arrhythmia
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