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Research On Outpatient Medical Process Optimization Project Management

Posted on:2018-06-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JinFull Text:PDF
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Hospitals are medical institutions that provide medical services and health care to patients,so providing medical services is also a special service.The patient to the hospital see a doctor,the greatest experience is registered,see a doctor,check,pay cost,take medicine,such as waiting time is relatively long,and is used to treat and judgment condition of real time is shorter,many patients are not able to get good diagnostic decision,in the first drug distribution and related treatment,so as to delay the improvement.This article obtains from the patients' needs,adopt the method of project management to improve the outpatient service medical treatment process,the new process shortens the time of patients see a doctor and the patient is relatively clear understanding of the direction of their illness and treatment,the patient on the basis of trust,the more treatment,can let the patient's recovery was better than expected.Applying the method of project management to management of outpatient service medical treatment process of use,is absolutely correct and can meet the demand of hospital management at present stage,a move that shortens the time,reducing the medical treatment process,reduces the treatment cost,convenient in patients at the same time,promote the stability of the doctor-patient relationship,alleviate the doctor-patient conflicts,ensure the orderly conduct of outpatient medical service.In this paper,the integrated use of literature research and empirical research method,comparative analysis,the system proposes the LZCN outpatient medical service process optimization,and expounds the project WBS,sort project activities and milestones,time limit for a project to the project schedule estimation,project progress control measures,etc.,and project cost management and control,project quality management and control.Finally,from the attention to the attention of the project decision-making stage,project management organization,medical treatment process optimization capital budget,medical process optimization management information system security,medical treatment process optimization for the guarantee of human resources,risk assessment were put forward from the six aspects of outpatient service medical treatment process the guarantee of project management.
Keywords/Search Tags:outpatient, medical procedure, optimization, project management, WBS, Gantt chart
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