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Research For Anthracycline-induced Cardiotoxicity

Posted on:2018-08-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C QinFull Text:PDF
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Anthracycline rank among the most effective anticancer drugs,but their cli nical usefulness is hampered by the risk of cardiotoxicity.The most feared is ir reversible cardiac damage,it can induce congestive heart failure and even sudde n cardiac death.People have been committed to anthracycline-induced cardiotoxi city mechanism research,and realized the cause of heart damage is not a single reason but multiple reasons.In the pase,people focus their attentions on oxidativ e stress and iron-mediated,however,in recent years,the study found that anthracy cline can also make cardiac cell death and irreversible myocardium damage by affect the synthesis of functional protein in myocardial cells and autophagy of myocardial cells.Thus,early detection and treatment is especially important to ca rdio-protection.There are a lot of clinical cardiac detections,like echocardiograp hy?electrocardiogram?biomarkers of myocardial injury.Each has its characteri stics.We can select one or more of them as needed to monitor the function o f cardiac.Early detection and treatment can help a lot for reversing heart dama ge.Dexrazoxane is the only drug for treating anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicit y accepted by FDA.Due to its high price?difficult accessing,the clinical appli cation of Dexrazoxane is not wide.So it is essential to go into the mechanisms of anthracycline-induced cardiactoxicity and find more safe?effective?inexpens ive?availableheart protective medicine as soon as possible.Then children belong to a special group,Different from aldults,children have their own characteristi cs to anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity.Our review is focused on the mechani sms?clinical features ?prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and t he characteristics of children's heart damage by anthracycline.
Keywords/Search Tags:anthracycline, cardiotoxicity, mechanism, clinical feature, prevention
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