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Correlation Between Physical Fitness And Prognosis In 122 Patients With Coronary Heart Disease And Heart Failure

Posted on:2017-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330491461302Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research objective: to study the coronary atherosclerosis sex heart disease heart failure caused by physical distribution characteristics, and different constitution of the similarities and differences between the prognosis of patients with coronary heart disease(CHD) heart failure indicator, to understand the relationship between the constitution and, from the perspective of the constitution has provided the new mentality for the treatment of coronary heart disease(CHD) heart failure.Methods: nine kinds of constitution classification method based on wang will be divided into 122 patients with coronary heart disease(CHD) heart failure were divided into empirical class group(phlegmy wet mass, damp and hot, congestion, qi depression mass) and the deficiency syndrome group(Yin deficiency, qi deficiency, Yang deficiency quality), excluding peace and great quality. On two groups of general situation, physical and chemical index, heart colour to exceed, etc.The results of the study: 1. In general, patients with coronary heart disease, heart failure in the majority with men, with an average age of all above 60 years old, in the majority with urban living environment, mental Labour accounts for most of the job nature, patients with alcohol, tobacco, hobby is less.2. The deficiency syndrome group, total cholesterol, triglyceride and low density lipoprotein is higher than the positive group, hypersensitive c-reactive protein deficiency syndrome group is significantly higher than the empirical, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen deficiency syndrome group was higher than positive group, uric acid distribution is deficiency syndrome group is significantly higher than empirical.3. Positive ejection score is deficiency syndrome group slightly tall, slightly smaller interventricular septum thickness, E/A < 1 deficiency syndrome group was higher than the percentage of positive group, the number of abnormal ventricular wall motion degrees deficiency syndrome group was higher than the empirical group.1. Qingdao Hai Ci medical group coronary heart disease(CHD) heart failure patients with traditional Chinese medicine constitution classification in the majority with deficiency syndrome.2. In patients with coronary heart disease, heart failure, combined basic diseases in the majority with high blood pressure, triglyceride, total cholesterol is higher than the empirical group deficiency syndrome group, ejection fraction empirical group is higher than the deficiency syndrome group.
Keywords/Search Tags:Correlation
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