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Poverty Reduction Effect Analysis Of Henan Province Under The Perspective Of Medical And Health Care Spending

Posted on:2017-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M HaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2334330488951394Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country even the world is always plagued by poverty problems. Both developing and developed countries, maybe the level of poverty are different, but the poverty is always there. Government and scholars in various countries are also actively exploring methods and addressing poverty. On the 16's Party Congress first proposed building a moderately prosperous society strategic goals, on the 18's Party Congress we proposed “build a moderately prosperous society,” the strategic objectives, we can see our government in order to make our people effective out of poverty has been making unremitting efforts. General Secretary, Xi Jinping, proposed the “no national health, there is no comprehensive well-off”, in order to explain the relations between health problems and moderately prosperous society. Visible to solve health problems of the people is an important guarantee to achieve a comprehensive well-off.Henan, as a populous province, there are still 5.76 million rural people in poverty, even thought the government keep increasing spending and investment, but the effect is not obvious, and even more serious phenomenon back into poverty. In the crowd back into poverty, “back into poverty by sickness” is more serious. Therefore, in order to reduce the rate of returning to poverty, we must proceed from the health sector, so that the masses, especially poor people seek care, stay healthy, in order to improve their ability to work, in order to effectively get rid of poverty. In this context, analyzed the for the effectiveness of health care spending on poverty reduction in Henan Province, not only conducive to the development of the Central Plains Economic Zone, but also help achieve our goal of building a moderately prosperous society.This article through theoretical and empirical analysis, using data analysis software research questions for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Firstly, the poverty situation in Henan Province in recent years, medical and health conditions were analyzed. Secondly, the theoretical analysis of the effect of poverty reduction on health expenditure in Henan Province, it means the effect of public health expenditure on poverty reduction is obvious. Then, regression analysis to establish an analytical framework, the impact of poverty reduction on the amount of each element of the correlation analysis of Henan Province: Henan obtain health spending accounted for the proportion of the budget and health spending share of GDP in Henan Province and Henan Province Poverty reduce the amount of significant positive correlation. Budget expenditure in Henan Province and poverty reduction does not amount to a significant positive correlation. Besides, proposed advices to promote health expenditure on poverty reduction development: rationalize health expenditure structure, to play the role of health in poverty reduction; reduce the rate of returning to poverty, to ensure that the poor stability of poverty; improving rural health care level, to achieve equalization of public health; improve the relevant evaluation system to improve the efficiency of health spending. Finally, for the successful completion of Henan Province in 2020 the goal of building a moderately prosperous society made the next five years on medical health horizontal prediction that Henan health expenditure accounts for the next five years should be equal to 10.22 % of the proportion of the budget or 1.78% of Henan Province's GDP.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poverty, Health Spending, Poverty Reduction Effect of Henan Province
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