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Study On The Planning Of Botanical Garden Linhu Forest Park In Qinzhou

Posted on:2018-12-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330542964548Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to implement the national policy of promoting ecological civilization,to carry out the ecological province construction of guangxi deployment,qinzhou government decided by timberlake forest park construction,vigorously improve the quality of ecological environment of qinzhou,and increase the qinzhou recreation activities,raising the level of ecological construction in qinzhou.In this paper,the planning and design of Lin hu forest park botanical garden in qinzhou is studied.The main contents of the study are as follows:First,the study of botanical gardens in the botanical garden was reviewed.Second,explore the landscape planning strategy of botanical garden with multidisciplinary knowledge,establish planning mode,and explore the planning and design of botanical garden in depth and breadth;The third use of the planning theory and model to the qinzhou forest lake forest park botanical garden planning practice.From planning research,analysis of planning,the planning objectives and principles,planning layout,route planning,system planning,green landscape system planning and the special engineering planning aspects of planning.In this paper,it is proposed to distinguish the landscape characteristics of the suburban forest park and botanical garden,and enhance the landscape planning and design of the botanical garden,and also pursue the fun and tourism of the botanical garden.In the planning and design stage of the botanical garden,the application of low carbon energy saving concept and a large number of energy-saving tree species are planned to save cost for the later management of the botanical garden.Planning in qinzhou local culture,history and characteristics will be positive,rare plants into the planning,planning focus on distinct regional plant landscape,pay attention to plant culture construction,pay attention to the construction of ecological garden,the sustainability of the forest park,the botanical garden construction countermeasures are put forward.At the same time hope with the help of the Chinese traditional gardening art theory and method,the advantage of the rich subtropical plant germplasm resources,qinzhou timberlake forest botanical garden can not only meet the popular science,teaching,scientific research,protection,etc.The basic function of the botanical garden,increase the biological diversity,and provide a suburban recreational place for qinzhou.Finally,the paper summarizes and points out the deficiency of the research,and puts forward the prospect of the study of the botanical garden.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qinzhou, Forest park, Botanical garden planning, Landscape construction
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