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Study On Nanjing Inner Qinhuai River Historic Area Landscape Transformation And Renovation

Posted on:2017-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Inner Qinhuai River landscape is historical remains of the ancient city of Nanjing, it is a continuation of the historical context of the cultural symbols, but also reflect the Nanjing updating and development of media. Due to its unique geographical space resources within the Qinhuai River landscape has inherent advantages in economic, transportationand military defense,since ancient times plays an important role in the development of the city of Nanjing. Inner Qinhuai River landscape as a historical and cultural city of Nanjing to protect the most important part, contains a large number of historical and cultural heritage of the Ming and Qing style houses characterized by historical location. Over time, especially in the West five li river,resulting in the decline of the river room, green disorganized infrastructure severely damaged,dirty the whole landscape, a large number of historical and cultural heritage has been destroyed and the city characteristics and other historical locations keep disappearing a series of urban problems, thus urban renewal and transformation in the pipeline.At present, the Qinhuai River Landscape with flood control function not only beautify the urban environment needs, but also to meet the space and historical exhibition space surrounding residents. How original harmonious and advantageous geographical space resources moat relations conforms to the needs of modern people's lives, internal Qinhuai River Historic Area landscape renovation to become a historical location south of Nanjing old renovation of key projects.The main contents of the article consists of seven chapters. The first chapter discusses the background and significance of the study, to determine the scope and methodology of the study area, the development of research objectives and research framework. The second chapter of the emergence and development of historical location Urban Waterfront Landscape brief overview.Chapter III at home and abroad in recent years to explore a typical waterfront historic landscape area update status summary of the historical waterfront area to view the updated trends and problems. The fourth chapter reviews the historical background and update development beside Qinhuai landscape, and clearly its problems. The fifth chapter renovation beside Qinhuai landscape theory put forward relevant countermeasures. The sixth chapter is the City Image Theory into the inner Qinhuai River landscape renovation, the path from the function, boundary treatment, regional organizations, the spatial expression of these three aspects elaborated. Then explore the inner landscape Qinhuai renovation methods. Chapter VII of the keynote paper summarized the theory and research, pointed out deficiencies article research prospects in the Qinhuai River Landscape future trends.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inner Qinhuai River, Historic Area Landscape, Transformation, Renovation
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