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Urban Color Research

Posted on:2018-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330536468624Subject:Architecture and civil engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our vast country,has a long history,ethnic diversity,for the unique characteristics of each city,and the history of each of the different cities,we should first carry out a macro analysis of the common color characteristics of each city and the elements,and long-term the color scheme,and give the city a new visual feast.As China's urbanization process accelerated pace,the demand of the growing convergence of various cities,which makes the city the city of a thousand colors appear the same color,it is difficult reflect the historical charm and a strong urban image of a city.So,how to make each city expressed through color and appearance of the city spirit of the city,while reflecting the depth study of the characteristics of this city should have been subject to a new height.Beautiful and harmonious urban landscape we need to create through color,the color of the city will directly affect the city's appearance and spirit,but also directly affect the quality of life of urban environment,it is through in-depth study of theory,drawing some color examples,make the city more maneuverability and exemplary in color design and planning,let the real color of the city speak.Based on China,the relevant investigation foreign cities color design,color to practical application in the city as the main content,a certain amount of research and analysis from a more systematic,more rational perspectives on what principles should apply urban color design.Finally,the actual situation of Shijiazhuang,analyzed the city's architectural color,color traffic of cities,small carrier colors proposed Shijiazhuang color design,planning advice and insights.Through this paper.Better understanding of urban color scheme for this multidisciplinary research area set intersection integration of new lines,of course,in this area we still need to be more people's attention and in-depth study.This paper prepared for this field only a preliminary understanding and analysis,to be more in-depth and complete study of color theory and practice of urban systems is still a lot of work needs to have more people to do more in-depth research,hope This article can play a role in investment and gravel lead beads,can lead to more people in the industry on the urban color design,color field of urban planning more in-depth study.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban color design, design principles, design
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