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Study On The Application Of Chinese Characters Form Construction In The Architectural Form Construction

Posted on:2018-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China City,the construction industry in foreign advanced ideas and thoughts spread to China,the world Chinese building inclusive attracts more and more international designers,all kinds of architectural style in China intersection.We must see,Chinese contemporary architectural design level in learning foreign design style is uneven in quality,at the same time,still need to be made based on the Chinese culture,the architectural design is out of China belongs to the contemporary characteristics of Chinese characters.As a typical representative of excellent culture of Chinese,with beautiful and rich art form,has a profound historical and cultural heritage,Chinese characters and architecture there is a close relationship in the process of historical development and artistic characteristics,the characteristics of Chinese characters in the form of extraction,will penetrate into the architectural design Chinese in national is international,the combination of the two will be able to build is different from the outside China's Contemporary Native architectural styleThis paper from the perspective of morphology,is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,second chapters Chinese characters form overview of the composition and architectural form,from the form elements,form form,form three dimensions respectively for in-depth analysis of Chinese characters and construction.In the third chapter,through the above Chinese characters form comparison of structure and architectural form respectively from each other,the three isomorphism and aesthetic commonality proved widely connected between the two.In the fourth chapter,from the form from the perspective of inquiry form for Chinese characters the architectural form of the enlightenment.The fifth chapter summarizes the Chinese characters form application method in architectural form the existing problems and the four classic case.The last chapter is the conclusion chapter.Chinese characters and building is an important part of human art,Chinese characters form in the course of development and artistic characteristics in association with extensive architectural form,they can learn from each other.Chinese characters form used in the architectural form,can explore building with the design requirements of the project and the construction of Chinese characters form Chinese characters.Form and architectural form,and then use the direct quotation method given in this paper,deconstruction and reorganization method and image sublimation method,will form Chinese characters converted to architectural language,and ultimately the formation of construction project.Through the application of form composition in Chinese characters architectural form,can fully explore the excellent traditional culture for Chinese characters to Chinese vector value China,rich style of architecture art connotation,enhance Chinese architectural cultural self-confidence,the formation of outstanding architectural design schools with distinctive characteristics Chinese China has become the world's business card to show the characteristics of the times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese characters, architecture, form construction, application
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