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Research Of The Texas Houses' Space-Operation In Nine Square Grid

Posted on:2018-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330515980176Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the modern architecture,the space problem has become the core of the exploration of the nature of architecture.In this paper,John Hejduk "Texas Houses" as the object of study,to The Nine Square Problem prototype as a starting point to the construction space operation as a clue,through the analysis of these works' characteristics of space composition and the process of space operation,to clarify the context of architectural space operation,to improve the architecture of the most fundamental space and spatial composition of the inherent laws of understanding,in response to the autonomy of architecture itself.The paper is divided into five chapters.The first is an overview of the purpose,content and significance of the study.In the second chapter,we introduce the prototype of The Nine Square Problem based on "The Texas Houses",and elaborated the background of the development of modernism at the same time in interpreting the background and development significance of The Nine Square Problem practice.Through the analysis of the architectural and architectural drawings of the "Texas Houses" architectural drawings and the interpretation of the architectural space,the reader can clearly understand the problem of building autonomy that Hejduk thinks about in the Texas Houses.Then,in the fourth chapter,the concept and method of the space operation of The Nine Square Problem in The Texas Houses are analyzed,refined and summarized,and the evolution and development of the design concept are explained by the combination of graphic.In the last chapter,combined with the development of modern architecture and architecture education,the author summarizes the problems and enlightenment in the course of research.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Nine Square Problem", John Hejduk, the Texas Houses, Space-Operation, Formal Logic
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