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Design And Application Of Power Operation And Maintenance Management System Based On WeChat

Posted on:2018-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
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The goal is standardized,systematic management for large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.Different from other cities by the national grid management,Daqing Oilfield Power Group bear the entire oil field power supply work.As an oil field enterprise in order to better manage the jurisdiction of the grid,Strongly promote the information,digital management model.Based on the We Chat of the power operation and maintenance management system is to be able to better the power grid data collection and management.This paper describes the WeChat power management system from the system requirements analysis,and then to the overall design plan,and then to the application and function to achieve.The system is mainly used in the operation and maintenance of the 6-kilovolt power grid under the jurisdiction of the oilfield oil production plant.The user can collect the teletext information directly on the PC side through the WeChat public number,you can also use the mobile side in the field or field to query the grid real-time situation.The system according to user classification can be divided into substation management,line management,security management.The system through the WeChat public platform "development model",the user sends the information in accordance with the rules to the PC-side server forwarding,in order to achieve the function.The development method based on WeChat has the advantages of simple and easy to use,small maintenance cost,large promotion space,safety and stability,and design and realize the integrated business system of electric power enterprise to realize the double management of safety production and enterprise performance of electric power enterprises.Using the leading WeChat public platform as a development platform for the oil field power management system design,application to achieve the function is not limited to oil field power grid.All production work can use this platform to carry out various business,such as oil for oil and other work.With the small cost of input,high efficiency usage,easy to use,improve resource utilization efficiency,has a very good practical and promotional value.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat public platform, power operation and maintenance, management system
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