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Using Weibo Check-in Data Analysis Job-housing Balance And Commute Characteristics

Posted on:2018-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330512982763Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shenzhen rapid development 30 years after reform and opening up,has become the country's scientific and technological innovation center and national economy.But job-housing separation,traffic congestion,environmental pollution and a series of big city problems have also appeared in Shenzhen.Understanding the job-housing balance and commute characteristics of Shenzhen City can provide basic information for urban planning,especially traffic planning,guide planning and policy formulation,and help reflect the shortcomings of previous policies.Sina weibo as important social networking platform,the sign of the data recorded people's life trajectory,we can dig up from it the urban spatial structure,especially the living space structure.This allows us to study the functions of the city and commute quickly and quickly,and overcome the shortcomings of the traditional method based on the questionnaire,such as large manpower and material cost,long cycle and limited sample.This article first uses the Sina weibo API(Application Programming Interface,API)to obtain the user's check-in data,and check the data for the effective screening and coordinate conversion.And then through the DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise,DBSCAN)spatial clustering algorithm to identify the user resident,combined with the check-in time,POI(Points of Interest,POI)type to further determine whether it is the job or housing place.And then use the identification of the results of the job to further analysis of the Shenzhen City,the job-housing balance and commute characteristics.This paper finds that the job-housing balance in Shenzhen is good,and the spatial distribution of job-housing balance shows the characteristics of the circle structure centered on the city center.The balance of the internal circle is relatively poor,and the balance of the external circle is better than internal circle.At the same time,the spatial distribution of commuter characteristics in Shenzhen also has a similar circle structure;the main commuter flow concentrated in Futian,Luohu,and Nanshan these three areas and the surrounding streets between the three areas.In this paper,three typical employment streets and residential streets are selected to analyze the commuter characteristics on the micro level,compare the commuter characteristics of different streets and verify the correctness of the commuter characteristics.In this paper,the results of land use,census street population data,resident travel investigation report and similar research results are verified to ensure the reliability of research results,and further proof of the results of job-housing place recognition,job-housing balance and commuter characteristics.This also further proved the feasibility of the research method.
Keywords/Search Tags:weibo check-in, recognition of job-housing place, job-housing balance, commuting characteristics
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