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Research On Adaptive Design Of Architectual Space In Bookshop

Posted on:2016-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330503487032Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, there occurred in the country's traditional bookstores due to poor management, closed-collapse phenomenon.It is not uncommon throughout the book sales market for facing unprecedented winter period. Behind the contemporary bookstore sales dilemma faced by the phenomenon of the electronic age is irresistible as the background, shallow reading habits led the great cultural revolution crowd psychology, and this is driving the dominant force in contemporary architecture bookstore to new space organization, legislation surface form, the principles of adaptation of new reading and shopping needs of the current population by strain design.Direction of the transformation of contemporary bookstore business model focused on three basic- Experience bookshops, bookstores and modern complex urban culture complex. Contemporary physical bookstore will be based on contemporary composite bookstore based, urban culture complex as the backbone to experience the specialties bookstore to complement the book industry distribution networks. Among them, the contemporary complex medium-sized bookstore building space-based focus of the research, such architectural space complex in three aspects: First, the traditional book retail space and other books related industries merchandise retail space complex, followed by the introduction of In the coffee shop, cafe, salon, lecture halls, exhibition halls and other cultural events related reading space and retail space complex, and finally the introduction of non-specific functions using urban public space a nd bookstores profit space complex. In the following thesis, the first medium-sized bookstores complex spatial composition split, that have the experience of the consumer space, with a display of cultural space, with open communication space. In discussing contemporary bookstore building space variables, namely economic(media) different dimensions of ecology, environmental psychology, ergonomics, consumer behavior, specifically to analyze the contemporary architectural space bookstore marketing, space atmosphere, spatial separation and spatial level changes, thereby mutagenic factors for space design principles to guide the strain of contemporary bookstore building space. Since the bookstore is a special cultural and commercial space, on the one hand strain design strategies presented its profit space for ambiguity complexity(retail space, arts space, public communication space), on the other hand focuses on space and space-level interface Two aspects of spatial characteristics.On this basis, the article further strain design methods summarized above space policy under strain, first, in-depth analysis of the bookstore building space under the new business model in the business plan after organizational model, the corresponding commercial space complex design Polysemous practices, such as organic polymeric retail space, space intensive mosaic arts, public communication space linkage combinations; secondly, are the antithesis of the space needle and the interior space and create a level of interface design, the above two spaces are specific to the facade of the strain Construction and path levels, as well as interface with the book in the atrium wall interface, highlighting the strain bookstore building space and building space contemporary commercial strain o f commonness and individuality. Thus full pack, the results obtained bookstore contemporary.
Keywords/Search Tags:bookshop, architectural space, adaptive design
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