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Research On Design Scheme Of 220KV Qiaoxi District Smart Substation Of Shijiazhuang

Posted on:2017-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330488988093Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
the energy demand scale of the whole society has never been so lar ge like today with the rapid developm ent of economy and increasing population in the earth. The innovative development of power, especially the smart grid, bring great i mportance for the saf e and re liable operation of power, energy conservation and em ission reduction, and the development of relevant.Smart transformer substation is the foundation and premise of smart grid, and an irresistible trend of traditional transformer substation in power system. Smart transformer substation adjusts and control power intelligently and in real tim e to maintain safe operation by intelligent equipment. Consequently, it's very important to lucubrate the design theory of smart transformer substation, achieve more reliable and stable design with mature technology.Qixi substation is located in the center of west suppl y district of Shijiazhuang City basically. Its establishment can reduce power supply distance in west district grid, optimize network structure, lower network cost, and sa tisfy the need of load development in west and southwest area of Shijiazhuang City. In the basis of th e investigation of the current development situation of smart transformer substation, this paper proposes the designs of sm art transformer substation automatic network, detection application schem e, and assis ted command system of Qiaoxi substation, determine the project of type selection a nd configuration of electronic instrum ent transformer. The work focuses of this pa per are as f ollows: automatic system and network of Qiaoxi substation is optimized based on the current development situation and fundamental principle of smart transformer substation; reasonable projects of type selection and configuration of electronic instrum ent transformer are determined through the contrast from the respects of implementing principles, construction cost, the rate of non-trouble operation and so on; detection application schem e of transformer substation is proposed by ut ilizing life cycle analysis of m achine condition monitoring system to visualize the state parameter of prim ary and secondary equipment; a unatte nded power operation assisted comm and system is proposed for Qixi substation, which consists of master station and substation, in order to further improve overall supervision of substation operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Smart transformer substation, automatic system, detection application, assisted command system
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