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Research Of Applications Of Art Lighting In The Dining Space Design

Posted on:2016-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the progress of the society,the quality of people's life improve significantly,the dining space not only solve the single function of repast,but also as an important place for modern people to talk about work,communicate emotion and release pressure.American architect Louis Kahn said,design space was design of light.In the design of dining space,the use of light for the dining space construction is becoming more and more important in addition to the use of space layout,material texture and color,furniture furnishing articles to create a space atmosphere.Different artistic shaping technique about art lighting design shows different dining space atmosphere,which provides people with taste,visual and psychological feeling of enjoyment.Based on the catering space design,this article put forward the dining space atmosphere which could create by lighting design art gimmick.This design not only made possible the continuation of repast environment in space,but also rendered again for catering space atmosphere,which finally created different theme style dining atmosphere.First of all,we analyzed the theory of dining space design and art lighting in order to find out the inner link between them;Then discussed the three factors of the art lighting which were influence factors,functions,style expression in the application of the dining space design and proposed a lot of classic case;Finally,put forward some exploratory art lighting applications in the dining space design principles and artistic expression,and looked to the future development trend of the catering space design based on the analysis of previous research.Applications art light in the dining space design,which enhanced the expressive force of the dining space atmosphere,enriched the dimensional administrative levels of dining space had a certain practical significance for shape perfect dining space environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art lighting, Dining space design, Atmosphere shape, Application research
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