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Research On Key Technology Of Knowledge Base About Ceramic Mineral Resources

Posted on:2019-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T GuoFull Text:PDF
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Ceramic raw material is one of the important mineral resources in China.Through the comprehensive application of knowledge base technology,optimization technology and other popular technologies in the information field,the knowledge base is established,and the knowledge related to ceramic production such as ceramic raw material information and formula information is managed,automatically generated and effectively retrieved,and the effective utilization of ceramic resources is finally achieved.It has positive practical significance.The research on the related construction technologies of ceramic mineral resources knowledge base is a hot issue that concerns the development of the regional economy in Liaoning.The thesis firstly describes the development of research on knowledge base system at home and abroad,and summarizes the key technologies of knowledge base construction.The subject focus on the research of knowledge acquisition and knowledge retrieval,which are the key construction technologies of ceramic mineral resources knowledge base.The dynamic acquisition of ceramic formula knowledge is carried out by genetic algorithm.At the same time,the simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm are combined to further optimize the formulation results and the semi-automatic acquisition of static knowledge is realized.Based on the characteristics of ceramic raw materials,a density-based method is used for similarity matching retrieval,and the management of raw materials and formulation knowledge is realized.The main work of this article is as follows:Knowledge acquisition of ceramic formulation based on simulated annealing genetic algorithm.According to the target components of the ceramic product,the optimization method is adopted to obtain the raw material components formula that meets the demand.The combination of simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm is applied to determine the system parameters that meet the formula optimization and improve the optimization effect of the genetic algorithm.Density-based ceramic resources and formulation knowledge retrieval.In view of the characteristics of the multi-dimensional data of ceramic material components,a density-based algorithm is used to obtain multiple sets of data similar to the target material,providing more options for industrial production.Research and build a knowledge base system of ceramic mineral resources.The semiautomatic acquisition of ceramic raw material information,as well as the management of raw materials and formulation knowledge are realized.Experiments show that the combination of simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm can be applied to formula optimization design,which can avoid the local minimum problem of simply using the genetic algorithm and can obtain a more ideal target formulation.Density-based ceramic knowledge retrieval can obtain a series of formulas and raw materials that meet the requirements to provide more choices for related production,and more in line with industrial production requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge base, Ceramics, Formula, Optimization
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