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The Toy Design Research On Children's Education Based On Traditional Game

Posted on:2018-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330512996168Subject:The field of art design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The design of the title is "The Toy Design research on Children's Education based on Traditional Game."Since ancient times,China is a country that attaches importance to culture and education. Has been constantly mining, inherit and carry forward the spirit of traditional Chinese culture, and to promote traditional culture and education to start from small. At the same time, for the current children's toy market quite a mixed bag, industrial products shoddy, lack of cultural connotation and other issues, to design to innovate educational toys that meet the characteristics of contemporary children and embody Chinese traditional culture. This design is a set of traditional spirit "benevolence" "righteousness" "wisdom" "letter" "brave" as the theme, the rules of class for the content, the traditional color, pattern, texture and other design performance of the entertaining kids' toy"You shi tu". It can meet the children's demand for toys and the understanding of traditional culture and education.Demand research report according to the design requirements of the design theme,respectively,the traditional culture-related information,children's toy market and the user's own needs three aspects of research. Traditional cultural information: with the network, newspapers,news and other media means to find the traditional cultural aspects of social development and trends, to organic fit the design and social needs; children's toys: using shopping malls,supermarkets,toy stores and other field research methods to sum up,classification and summary the children's toys, used to study the psychological characteristics of children and summed up the lack of children's toys; user needs: using interviews, questionnaires, field visits research on the parents, teachers and children, in order to multi-angle all-round access to children's toys and traditional culture and education of the inherent needs. Through the demand research report found that the three aspects of traditional culture and education are included in the urgent needs of toys and inner desire, which provides the innovation entry point and design expression direction for the design.Theoretical research report is based on research needs to determine the relevant theoretical basis and research materials, respectively, IP derivatives and traditional games for theoretical research. On the IP derivatives industry concept, design concepts and form of change on the study.And then began to read a lot of books and literatures to study the traditional game how to contains traditional culture and their comparison and summary. Finally, Select the traditional game "Sheng guan tu" as the carrier, based on IP derivative concept, combined the with research needs and the children's psychological behavior characteristics related to the design.The design process is centered on children's traditional culture education toys and consists of two parts: the design of the rules and the design of the form. Rules of the design contains the rules of the game content, game chess content and pattern design. The whole game rules form a cross story through a fable. A variety of reward and punishment mechanism, to pass put the traditional culture of "benevolence","justice","wisdom","letter","courage" and other Spiritual connotation,so that let the children feel the traditional culture in the joy of the game. The shape design includes the modeling of the game, the shape of the board, the shape of the pawn and the design of the card shape. Traditional modeling patterns and traditional paper art to achieve a flat and three-dimensional pattern of chess, showing the beauty of traditional architecture; Ergonomics and traditional character modeling, sculpture, etc. designed for children to grasp and show the traditional costumes beautiful styling pieces. Traditional landscape painting, Chinese calligraphy,traditional patterns, traditional color and traditional cultural knowledge content, designed to enable children to feel the traditional art of the beautiful cards. Through the actual combination with the computer to create works of the effect map, and on this basis, the design of the product design entities.The innovation of "You shi tu" is the combination of traditional culture knowledge and chess game, with the rules of the game and shape to stimulate children's traditional culture of love and learning. In the design of the field research-oriented, to IP derivative and traditional cultural game as the theoretical guidance, to create a child's psychological behavior characteristics of traditional culture education toys, and ultimately achieve the purpose of entertaining.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional culture, Education, Sheng guan tu, IP derivative products
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