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The Application And Interpretation Of "Shape" In Fashion Design

Posted on:2018-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuaFull Text:PDF
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Into the 21 st century,people's design vision continues to open up,the field of fashion design is infuenced by multiculturalism,thus also putting forward new requirements for the clothing modeling innovation.As a general sense,there are some limitation if costume design is carried out from a single style level up,so we need to study the nature and origin of modeling systematically,breaking the original "shape" of single concept and widening the field of thinking.If designers want to create a new trend in line with the trend of the times,they must study factors and methods which influence the changes of clothing form on the basis of modeling.This study has redefined the "shape" in the design of clothing,which includes the concept of shape,space shape,structure shape,material shape and color shape of clothing.It is a comprehensive morphological system,and the roots and laws that affect its changes should start with the essence and connotation of design.Therefore the author of this thesis put forward three views on “shape”: 1.Shape is the expression of the concept.The concept of the evolution of the concept is based on the shape of the sensibility of the show,through the slow fashion,human culture,postmodernism fashion design concept elaboration,interpretation of clothing in the "shape" is how to reflect the design concept.2.Shape is a dialogue with nature.It describes the relationship between shape and nature.Nature is the inspiration source of shape,and fashion designers tell the feelings and emotions of nature through "shape".3.Shape is of the language of clothing beauty.Clothing beauty is a kind of beauty of united "shape",through the "shape",they express the beauty of form and style harmony,the beauty of trend and fashion,and the beauty of human body and character.Finally,this thesis discusses the application and interpretation of modern brand design and excellent designer's "shape" in fashion design,and further validates the purpose and significance of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fashion Design, Shape, Idea, Nature, The beauty of clothing
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