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The Study Of The Zhou Lvjing And "Edible Flora"

Posted on:2017-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2311330509461432Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Edible Flora" was published in the 15 th year of Wanli period(1587) under the reign of Emperor Zhu Yijun in the Ming Dynasty, and reprinted in the 25 th year(1597), written by Zhou Lvjing. The author of the book by himself in the wild through collection or visiting and investigation activities, to collect a large amount of materials about edible wild plants into this wild herbs recipe. The book with ballad stanza recounted 101 kinds of wild herbs about collection time, identification method, edible method, etc. And handed drawn the corresponding plant map. In addition, it also cited and recorded about the old saying of taking vegetation in lots of ancient books.Zhou Lvjing was not only a medical home, family health, drama writer, and writer, he was also a hermit, between the scholars and farmers. Agricultural book of his work, "Chrysanthemum Treatises" had a certain status in the history of agriculture, and there were more researchers. The other agricultural book of his work, "Edible Flora" had certain research value on the history of botany, Famine, and herbal for Diet tyerapy, but compared to the widely circulated "Shortage of Materia Medica", there were less and not well-know. In fact, in addition to his own agricultural work "Edible Flora", he also recorded a variety of ancient agricultural books in his compilation of the series of "Yi Men Guang Du", some even only this version spread, thus Zhou Lvjing also had made some contributions to the agriculture. It is a pity that academia has yet not made a comprehensive study about the agriculture contribution of Zhou Lvjing and his agricultural book "Edible Flora".This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, elaborate the research purpose, significance, methods, data sources,and review of the status which predecessors research on Zhoulv Jing, his series of "Yi Men Guang Du" and agricultural book "Edible Flora", point out the research space of this paper; the second part is an overview of Zhou Lvjing, making full use of literature and information to sort out his life stories and analysis his identity of "hermit", and attempting to analysis the agricultural ancient books in "Yi Men Guang Du" to make a reasonable assessment of his contribution to agriculture; the third part is the creation background of "Edible Flora", looking for its subjective and objective factors; the fourth part is the content research of "Edible Flora", discussing the basic feature and multidrug resistance summary of wild plants in "Edible Flora", and review of the taking vegetation data in the three or four volume; the fifth part is mainly to analysis the writing characteristics of "Edible Flora", which through the comparisons of "Edible Flora", "Ye Cai Pu" and "Nong Zheng Quan Shu".Study on Zhou Lvjing and "Edible Flora", is an important supplement to the relief class of phytotherapy research, therapeutic herbal works research, and hermit monograph of agriculture research. In addition, with the continuous improvement of living standards, people put forward new demands on the quality of food——natural, green, harmless, edible wild herbs itself has given rise to people's attention, therefore, to study on the "Edible Flora" also has practical significance in health maintenance, health care and other aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhou Lvjing, "Edible Flora", "Yi Men Guang Du", The hermit of Ming Dynasty, Herbal for Relief of Famines, Herbal for Diet tyerapy
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