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An Analysis And Research On Saury Industry Value Chain

Posted on:2017-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330509456364Subject:Rural and Regional Development
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Although some traditional marine fishing species are fully or overfished, the overall look there are a lot of marine fish resources have not yet been exploited. Especially oceanic pelagic fish and bottom fish and other species are still being developed not enough or to be developed state. Therefore, as a resource-based strategy for offshore fishing industry still has a very strong vitality. Internationally, with the implementation of the "United Nations Convention," the 200 mile exclusive economic zone delineated, making the development of China’s offshore fishing in the fishing rights, the use of fisheries resources exploitation in other countries has been limited. Therefore, positive development of the high seas saury resources to promote the further implementation of the strategy of Marine has important strategic significance. Especially in Japan, South Korea, Russia and China believe that widely distributed in the northwest Pacific Ocean saury resources is very important, continue to increase its efforts to develop. Saury industry as an emerging industry in China in recent years, and its related products are increasingly accepted and loved by consumers.In China, the saury production began in 2001. After 14 years of development, with the maturing of saury fishing techniques and catches also improved. Especially since 2013, the state of saury fishing strengthening policy support, saury fishing has increased greatly in number. Mainland China has become one of the important regions of the world production of saury, this laid an important foundation and favorable conditions for future negotiations of fishery resources in the North Pacific region, and other aspects of get fishing quotas. In September 2014 in shandong Qingdao held separate saury production review meeting for the first time, a special working group of saury production is set up, Shanghai Ocean University as saury fishing technical guidance units. Since then, saury industry in China has initially formed the combination of production, study and research collaborative development model.In this study, first to compare saury industry in Japan, Korea and other countries from the perspective of industry chain, from macro perspective to analysis saury industry development environment and problems. With the rapid development of China’s economy, people’s living standards continue to improve, consumer awareness of pelagic fish growing, demand increasing, the development of saury industry have a certain market potential. But our saury industry started relatively late, the international competitiveness of the relevant manufacturers to be further enhanced, and the current domestic production of saury is single product variety and low technical content. Have not on the value of saury for effective development and utilization,the products’ value added is limited.Then analyzed from the micro level of the value of saury value-added industrial value chain participants on the basis of macro analysis. Determine the constitute of saury industry value chain. Be analyzed from the fishing, processing, wholesale, sales and all aspects of the consumer through research. Explore various aspects of the cost of value-added features and constitute. Select three typical saury industry value chain(Fishing- wholesale – retail; Fishing- Processing – Retail; Fishing- fishing enterprises- brand franchise) to conduct value-added effect analysis. For three participants in the chain of input costs and value-added benefits estimated and analyzed.The results showed that saury industry chain is not perfect in our country, the value of unrealized appreciation of technical efficiency and scale efficiency optimum, its advantages have not been effectively play, production and enterprise management and marketing skills to be further improved. The fishing industry as a source of the industry, little value-added, low efficiency, lack of product pricing, seriously affect the production enthusiasm. Processing enterprises lack of technological innovation, product form single, need to increase investment and cooperation in science and technology, increase the technological content and market competitiveness. Traditional wholesale and retail commodity circulation process less investment costs, but limited value added. Related participants for product promotion by improving the level of management, strengthen advertising and other channels, increase market demand and acceptance of products.Our saury industry consumer market has yet to fully open, to further improve the international competitiveness of China’s manufacturing enterprises saury. Improve the downstream industry chain, improve product value and strengthen cooperation and exchanges between organizations, expanding the business own sales network platform construction. Introduction of foreign advanced technology and equipment to speed up transformation of traditional processing. Establish brand awareness, increase product publicity efforts to improve consumer awareness of saury products. Increase efforts to support the industry from the policy, pay attention to personnel training and the introduction of fisheries.
Keywords/Search Tags:saury industry, value chain, value chain analysis on saury industry, value chain optimization
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