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Study On The Impact Factor Of Purchase Hehavior For Shanghai Saury Consumer And Marketing Strategy

Posted on:2018-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z K HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536477335Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mackerel pike fishing technology is relatively simple,catches the efficiency is higher,saury has become a highly developed species in value.With fishing to the attention of the mackerel pike fishing,mainland China and Taiwan province the number of vessels engaged in fishing saury increased dramatically,saury catches a record in China.With the increase of saury production,speed up the establishment and perfection of the mackerel pike market development of industry of saury become the top priority.With the interaction of the two countries diet culture,the way of Japanese cuisine has become a domestic representative of young consumers fashion trends.In this context,saury also had a certain degree of domestic consumption growth,has become one of domestic consumers often eat ocean aquatic products.Shanghai is one of the most densely populated provinces,Shanghai people love to eat fish,has a long history.Hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai" in Shanghai is a kind of fishing tools;Shanghai is China's earliest open policy of state monopoly for purchase and marketing of aquatic products of one of the city.In recent years,due to the increased awareness of citizens' nutrition,health,safety,relative to pork,beef,lamb,seafood more nutrition delicious safer,"no do not fish feast" before,now in Shanghai were more likely to eat fish,aquatic products in Shanghai residents the status of vegetable basket,further improve the consumption of aquatic products is rising.Huge volume and consumption,one of the naturally become the national aquatic products trading center in Shanghai,for this reason,also attracted from all over the country and even abroad aquatic products distributor.According to incomplete statistics,aquatic product distributors in Shanghai,nearly 4000 large and small,and associated with aquaculture association,chamber of commerce in Shanghai,has more than 10,Shanghai professional aquatic products wholesale in aquatic product market and the comprehensive agricultural products market has a certain scale has 11.Therefore,with the development of saury industry,Shanghai inthe mackerel pike industry economy development has the important status of the strategic layout.On April 27,2016,the Chinese ocean fishery association was held in chongqing organization 2015 ocean squid fishing,such as saury fishery development summary exchanges and professional training meeting.Meeting requirements,the working group in consideration by the general assembly's annual work plan,according to the situation development needs,to highlight the focus on the following work: one is according to the ministry of agriculture "fisheries to turn way,structure,specification and orderly development of" requirement,solid work,the stability of squid fishing fishing scale at the same time,attaches great importance to the fishery and fishery structure adjustment in aspects of quality,management,inter alia,industry standards,through much starker choices-and graver consequences-in period of five years,truly realize the squid fishing,saury fishery transformation and upgrading;The second is to speed up the transformation of modern business philosophy,focus on market brand construction and the guidance of science and technology.Currently affect the squid fishing,saury fishery biggest factor is the market steady development.Meeting requirements,each enterprise should according to the requirements of the reform on the supply side,wisdom,attaches great importance to the product value-added effect,and a working group to improve the knowledge of the construction of industry chain,increase the market development;To cultivate and create the squid products "high quality,pure natural" famous brand,improve reputation in the international aquatic product market of the practical need of.Therefore,transformation of the traditional "attaches great importance to the fishing grounds,only do not take the city" concept,get rid of the "light can fishing,won't sell fish" situation,fully understand the saury consumption,stimulate the saury product consumption become the effective means to boost the growth of saury industrial economy.Shanghai residents as the research object,this study adopts questionnaire survey method,field visits,saury consumers surveyed in Shanghai residents.This research is divided into five parts,the first part of this paper expounds the background of selected topic significance,research contents and methods,and the main train of thought.The second part expounds the concept of aquatic products,consumer related concepts,saury,related basic theory and the influence factors of consumer buying behavior and consumer buying behavior research methods related research has carried on the simple review andcomments.The third part of the Shanghai residents saury consumer research,the basic situation of the official return to the 268 valid questionnaire survey,through descriptive statistical analysis,the following conclusions:(1)for attracting consumers have established a certain foundation;(2)the saury consumption most belong to the planned purchase;Spring(3)to buy or eat saury consumers is less,the summer is more;(4)the price of mackerel pike is generally low;(5)Shanghai saury consumer consumption frequency is not high;(6)effect of Shanghai residents' consumption of saury reason is various,including cooking flavor,fresh degree as the main reason;(7)saury way of buying still is given priority to with the traditional sales channels,and consumers feel about the price of the corresponding channel is reasonable;(8)promotions on the saury sales application almost difficult to see.Fourth part SPSS13.0 factor analysis,the use of survey data as a result,the resident of Shanghai saury comprehensive exploration analysis of consumption behavior,and draw the following conclusion: 17 factors extracted from the four main factors,and based on the 4p marketing theory to explain four factors explain the results of channel factor and promotion factor,price factor,product factor 1 and factor 2,so should improve the importance of the channel.The fifth part,according to the conclusion on the investigation and statistical analysis of measurement for the mackerel pike sales enterprises provide some marketing countermeasures and Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:saury, Shanghai, consumer, buying behavior, marketing strategy
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