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GD Park

Posted on:2017-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503995500Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper consists 2 parts: case introduction and case analysis.GD Park which presented in the case study, using government guidance and enterprise operational method to establish the Park’s function, positioning and development goals. Through out 15 years of preparation phase, rapid development phase, and steady development phase, the GD Park has formed a solid foundation in the general construction, public technology platform construction, incubation service platform construction, and enterprise aggregation. At present, GD Park is in a critical period of upgrading from a stable development to an enhanced quality development. However, it’s time that the country is promoting and implementing innovation-driven development strategy, to form “The mass innovation, the people’s innovation” blooming period, the development of incubator upgrades to a national game plan. GD Park, in order to cease serial of new opportunities for the development of incubators, proposes to develop financial technology and other tactics.In the case analysis section, the author analyzes detailedly the state of incubators and financing characteristics, and the construction situation of sci-tech finance service platform, issues in the GD Park, so as to present the basic outlook and primary cause of sci-tech finance in GD park at the present stage. The author borrows from home and broad in the advanced experience of incubators and sci-tech finance development, combined with the resource situation of GD Park, to state out propositions and safety measures for GD Park to develop financial technology services.
Keywords/Search Tags:incubator, sci-tech finance, service model
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