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The Study On Rural Circulation Patterns Of Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2017-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503969150Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a typical agricultural country, the agricultural population accounts for more than a third of the population. So “Agriculture、Rural areas and Farmer’s "problem are big problems related to the land problem, beneficial to the people’s livelihood, especially the rural land problem is the core and key issues. In recent years, with the continuous development of social economy the industrialization of agriculture, scale, intensive has become development trend, but rural land fragmentation problem hind the realization of rural land scale. So guide farmers to actively participate in land circulation, choose the best mode of land circulation to solve the problem of land and finely change has important practical significance.In this paper, from the Inner Mongolia region according to the actual situation of rural land circulation mode applications, study the factors affect farmers to choose land circulation patterns, and do the interpretation about the farmers, land circulation, land circulation patterns and so on. In draw lessons from existing research results on the basis of combining the statistical results of survey data, analysis of the factors influencing farmers choose land circulation patterns in Inner Mongolia are mainly: the farmers of the age,education, household agricultural income, the quality of rural land, the awareness of land contract specifications of farmers on the land circulation policy, local government behavior,land transfer intermediary, the land transfer costs and the risk of transferring land. In the process of empirical research on several kinds of land circulation patterns: rent,subcontract, the raise of the joint stock cooperative system, land, family farms, land secularization mode respectively do the correlation analysis, and using the Logistic regression model analysis the influence factors of land circulation patterns.In the end, based on the analysis conclusion, combining with the actual situation of Inner Mongolia region, put forward countermeasures and suggestions of promoting land circulation mode application: First of all, according to the different characteristics of the peasants, which is in accordance with the age and bear the ability of the risk according to the local actual situation, the development of the implementation of a different mode of land transfer; The second is must follow the principle of voluntary farmer land transfer,grass-roots government and village collective to strengthen propaganda for the land circulation pattern, do everything for the peasants’ interests; Finally, the government to strengthen the new mode to support efforts to formulate and improve the policies and regulations to promote the existing land transfer mode of development to a higher stage,increasing the income of farmers, promoting agricultural industrialization, large-scale development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Farmers, Land transfer, Land circulation pattern
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