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Research On The Issue Of Old-age Security Of Land-lost Peasants In Dunhuang

Posted on:2016-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503954990Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the advancement of urbanization leads to the emergence of a large number of land-lost farmers landless farmers is not only an economic problem, but also an important social problem related to the stability and harmony. Land-lost farmers, a group identity change after losses, while the lower land compensation fees, but couldn’t make up for the lost identity transformation and increase the cost of living and consumer spending, in its life ability did not change, instead of production situation of deprived of and a few there is no way again obtain employment again obtain employment or a short time of land-lost farmers, a major life crisis. Because the government lacking responsibilities in social economic structure, and farmers own problems, lead to farmers on the ground after not attend endowment insurance, the farmers after old will increase instability to the society, so to establish the implementation of rural old-age security system has the necessity.In this paper, besides introduction and conclusion, is divided into four parts. The first chapter is about the research background, research significance, research status at home and abroad, research methods and research content are introduced in this paper. The second chapter the land-lost farmers old-age security system involved in the related theory including urbanization, farmers, endowment insurance, defining the concepts of land-lost farmers endowment insurance, respectively to the equity theory, welfare economic theory expounded and analyzed the characteristics and the theory of economic compensation, for the third chapter studies the theoretical preparation for land-lost farmers endowment security system of Dunhuang. The third chapter is the core of this paper, the author first about the present situation of land-lost farmers of Dunhuang city and lost ground on the survival situation after, and then expounds about the present situation of land-lost farmers endowment insurance of Dunhuang city, through to the status quo, analysis of problems existing in reality, as well as the cause of the problem. The fourth chapter by raising gradually break the urban-rural dual structure, realize the equality of urban and rural residents’ rights and interests, improve the system of land requisition for farmers, establish a government-led, commercial insurance company handling of land-lost farmers endowment insurance mode, perfecting the land-lost farmers re-employment system four aspects put forward the countermeasures and Suggestions to perfect the land-lost farmers endowment insurance of Dunhuang. Hope for and similarities in Dunhuang city, Gansu province in the land-lost farmers old-age security problems to provide a reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:land-lost peasants, old-age security, Dunhuang
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