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CSPC Nanhai Project Study Based On PMC Model

Posted on:2017-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485985231Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the gradual formation of the pattern of global economic integration, China’s large-scale engineering projects also introduced international advanced project management, including the PMC (Project Management Contractor) mode, which as an advanced project management methods, it has grown more mature in foreign countries. On the basis introduction of project management theory, based on the PMC model and other project management models were compared, and in particular the principles advantage of PMC Management. Then Nanhai petrochemical project specific case studies from Select reason, regard the financing situation, organizational structure, contract, each PMC’s responsibilities and division of tasks, related management measures introduced specific implementation of the Nanhai Petrochemical Project PMC model, and identified its presence in the implementation process problems and causes of these problems, and finally puts forward some sound advice. There is still a large gap between domestic PMC enterprises and foreign advanced PMC enterprises, this paper reference the PMC pattern of Nanhai petrochemical project implementation experience, combined with the widespread problem of domestic enterprises PMC, from speeding up reform, construction of market mechanisms, strengthen the legal system and other aspects, proposals to promote domestic PMC enterprise development, hope the South China Sea experience in petrochemical projects to help PMC mode effective implementation in the country 1n some way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project, Project Management, PMC model, Nanhai Petrochemical case
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