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The Non-credit Business Development Problem Research Of China’s Commercial Banks

Posted on:2017-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N HuFull Text:PDF
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For a long time, China’s financial industry are in a strict controlled environment,under the protect of the people’s Bank of China, commercial banks has always been the role of financial intermediary, and monopoly the supply and demand of capital market, the traditional credit business is the main source of income, the business structure is not reasonable, bank industry is in the development of deformity. With the further development of economic globalization, China’s financial industry, especially the banking industry undergoing enormous changes, from strict separated operation to conditional mixed operation, from the traditional credit business "overweening" to common development with the diversification of non-credit business and so on. Under the background of mixed operation has gradually become the main trend, the marketization of interest rate is further deepening, financial disinter-mediation phenomenon is increasingly serious, China’s commercial banks actively exploring and researching, the development of non-credit business has experienced changes from scratch, from weak to strong.Although the development of non-credit business of China’s commercial banks has made obvious progress, but still faces many threats and challenges: profit model is need urgent change, the financing structure is needed to be adjusted, the history problem need to be solved. Therefore, the development of non-credit business of commercial banks has become the focus of bank circles, and the research topic must be paid great attention.This paper based on the related theory of non-credit business development of commercial banks, based on field research, adopt research methods of literature analysis, combination of theory and practice, combination of quantitative and qualitative, researching on related issues, the main research content is divided into five chapter, the first chapter, explained the research background and significance, and recalled the findings of scholars from three aspects, introduced thought way and research content. The second chapter is the non-credit business development of commercial bank and related theories. Defined the basic concepts, then analyzed the necessary of its development, and finally explained the theory basis of this article. The third chapter is the non-credit business status analysis of China’s commercial banks.Through the history and current situation analysis of non-credit business development,summed up the existing problems and their causes during the development, provide direction guidance to the following related policies. The fourth chapter is the non-credit business development about developed countries and the enlightenment to China. By the country comparison of commercial banks’ non credit business between United States, Britain and Japan, summed up some matters needing attention about the development of this business in our country, absorb the essence and reject the dross. Firstly, deal well with the relationship between the government and the market.Secondly, according to the national reality conditions choose the development strategy which is fit to domestic commercial banks. Lastly, grasp the global dynamics and follow the tide of the times. Chapter V is the strategy analysis about China’s non-credit business of commercial banks, from three aspects of optimize business structure, improve institutional arrangements and enhance their competitions put forwards recommendations to promote the non-credit business development of commercial banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:non-credit business, marketization of interest rate, product and service innovation, strategy
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