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Research On The Composition Of Brand Elements

Posted on:2017-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485483386Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of both economic globalization and the advancement of science and technology innovation, the pace of product updates has been faster than any era in the past since 21 century. The products will be easily imitated or overcame by competitors it they doesn’t have their own high value-added. To build a strong brand is one of the important means for enterprises to obtain premium ability. Since the market competition to the evolution of spirit and emotion based advanced stage, the market competition has developed to an advanced stage which takes sprit and emotion as a focus. Brand has played a very important role in the market competition. Brand is the pass of the market and the key to success. Brand elements is the basis of brand building, to sorting out the elements is very necessary for the competition of the brand. Building a comprehensive and complete system of brand elements is very important for the brand building and brand management of the enterprise.The paper has summarized the relevant theories of brand and brand structure and puts forward the concept model of brand elements. The model is mainly based on David A. Aaker’s brand structure. Combined with other scholar’s research, the paper has corrected and improved the brand elements from product, organization, personality and symbols. Then the author will get five dimensions:product features, identify elements, organizational elements, personality elements and cultural elements. Each dimension will have different sub-topic items which will explain the elements of the brand from different levels. On the basis of theoretical research, combined with today’s actual market situation, sample data was obtained through expert interview and questionnaire, and the use of exploratory factor analysis for data processing, to complete an empirical study on the elements of the conceptual model of brand construction. Theoretical analysis and empirical study combined with the two, better verify the rationality of the concept model of brand elements.The research shows that the brand element is a complex concept, which is composed of five dimensions:product elements, identification factors, organizational factors, personality factors and cultural elements. These five dimensions correspond to a number of different sub indicators which explain brand from different levels. At the same time, they combined with each other and together constitute a complete system of brand element model. The product element is the basis elements of brand elements, including product quality, product features, price, service and experience. The identify factors mainly help consumers to recognize and remember the brand better, including name, logo, packaging, image representative, advertising language; the organizational elements is the support behind the organization which can help the consumers to get a favorable impression of the brand mainly, including management system, employee behavior, corporate social responsibility, innovation ability and market indicators, five sub indicators; personality elements can make the brand personification, which will help consumers and brand to build deeper communication and connection, including commitment, personality, emotions, relationships and interests; cultural elements belongs to the brand elements of hidden kernel which will influence the consumers’brand cognition, including brand values, brand vision, fine God symbol, brand story, and brand tradition.The paper puts forward several suggestions for brand building and brand management according the conclusion of the study. The enterprise can build a complete brand element of the system from multiple aspects of product elements and identification factor, organizational factors, personality and cultural elements such as start. When building a brand, the enterprise should not only pay attention to quality, price, function and other basic product elements, but also pay more attention to the influence of personality, culture and other hidden factors on consumer brand awareness. Enterprises should build a strong brand and improve the image of the brand from outside to inside, shallow to deep. To stand deeply in the customers’mind and win the trust and love as well as obtain brand reputation and customer loyalty can help the enterprise to occupy an advantageous position in the market competition.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand, brand elements, brand management
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