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Study On New Agricultural Production Model In An Giang Province Vietnam

Posted on:2017-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:NGUYEN VAN PHONG R W FFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485477624Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is considered the strength of Vietnam’s economy, in which Mekong river delta is a key economic area of agriculture, agricultural product here is rich in variety, food production is sufficient for both domestic demand and export.An Giang is a province in Mekong river delta, Vietnam, a province with quite large an area of agricultural land and convenient for agriculture development. However, determining rational organizational model of agricultural production to promote potential of land, local human resources is an urgent problem. In this dissertation, we rely on results obtained from agricultural authorities of An Giang province, combined with actual survey to assess the efficiency of agricultural production of An Giang province on production models, then compare effectiveness of models. Currently, An Giang province has two main models of agricultural production including traditional model of agriculture production and new model of agricultural production; the study results show that new model of agricultural production has brought higher economic efficiency demonstrated by using capital, effective use of cash and value of working days, this model also promotes effectiveness with regard to links between businesses and farmers, benefit sharing and cooperation for mutual interests. Model is evaluated successful when looking at results achieved including increased profits of farmers; products obtained of high quality, gradually assertion of brand in international market. However, for this new model of agricultural production to be really developed and replace traditional model of agricultural production, it would require more attention and investment from provincial agricultural management agencies, businesses and especially farmers’ study, learning and boldly approach to scientific and technical progress, thereby contributing to the development of agriculture in particular and socio-economic development in general of An Giang province.In this dissertation, we focus on some key issues:1. Current development of An Giang agricultureTo assess the status of agricultural production of An Giang Province, we base on data collected from provincial agricultural agencies, combined with survey of farmer households in areas. Through comprehensive analysis, we found that, in recent years agricultural production of An Giang province has been increasing in terms of area, yield and production. Planted area increased is mainly due to the rise of Fall Winter rice production area, peaking in 2013 with a total planted area of 701,303 hectares, including 641,340 hectares of rice and 59,963 hectares of various crops. Due to increase in terms of area, yield, so paddy output was also increased significantly, reaching production of 4.13 million tonnes in 2014, up by 472 thousand tons compared to 2010. Rice export is an advantage of An Giang Province, annual rice export quantity has contributed significantly to the province’s GRPD.2. Status of agricultural production models in An Giang Province and their linksIn this section, we study the status of the link between four factors and new agricultural production model in An Giang province, thereby providing an overview of four factors linkage in period of 2002-2014, and guideline of following new agricultural production model with its goals and meaning on a national scale and studied area. Through successful cases of some enterprises making effective linkage with farmers, particularly "New agricultural production model", it shows prominent features, although there are still some restrictions. But we can see that this is a giant step in creating strong linkage of two factors business and farmer with orientation raising value chain of Vietnam rice.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of new agricultural production model in An GiangIn this section, we conducted comparison of efficiency of production and analysis of factors affecting the profitability of farmer groups following new agricultural production model and group of farmers following traditional model of production. Result showed that, farmers following new production model obtain many more advantages than farmers farming under traditional production model such as investment in seeds, agricultural materials and support from technical staff of company. It results in big difference of sales, costs, profitability and investment performance between two groups of farmers. Since then, the investment performance of farmers group in new production model is also higher than that of farmers in traditional production model: profit / total cost of two groups of farmers is respectively 0.75 and 0.39; profitability / cash costs is 1.14 and 0.6; value of workday is VND172,840/day and VND87,229/day4. A number of solutions to improve the efficiency of agricultural production organization of An Giang ProvinceIn this section, we rely on local natural-socio-economic conditions as well as socioeconomic development orientation and agricultural development orientation of An Giang province, besides conducting a SWOT analysis of production and consumption of agricultural products in the province in recent years in the province to devise specific measures to develop agriculture for An Giang province in the near future in view of economic, social and environmental sustainability. This will be a useful reference for making development strategy as well as planning of local agriculture, thereby contributing to the development of agriculture in particular and socio-economic development in general of An Giang province.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Agriculture Model, An Giang, Production Model, Production Scale
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