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Russia And China Energy Cooperation

Posted on:2017-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T F X E G V o y t o v s Full Text:PDF
GTID:2309330482497800Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Energy for a country to play an important role, but also the world’s attention a hot topic, Russia and China cooperation, energy cooperation is among them an important part, we all know that China and Russia cooperate actively carry out cooperation in the energy field, is very important. But that is, in recent years, although China and Russia have continued to strive for cooperation in the energy problem of the perfect, but from the past experience, the two cooperation is not smooth sailing. On this basis, this paper under the background of the development of the times. Analysis the status quo of China and Russia energy cooperation between the two countries, in-depth analysis of the problems existed in the energy cooperation between China and Russia, and according to the problems put forward corresponding solutions, looking to the future between China and Russia energy cooperation prospects.At present, the Sino Russian energy cooperation and more concentrated in the traditional energy sector, in terms of new energy or lack of spark. In the near future, China and Russia energy cooperation will further towards the rich and diversified direction development, a breakthrough single oil and gas cooperation, in other areas of nuclear, electricity, coal and other energy will greatly breakthrough and development. May 21,2014, China and Russia signed a long-term supply and marketing agreement between the two countries, the agreement is significant, cooperation time for 30 years, the total value of $400 billion. Although in the price negotiations between the two countries were deadlocked, but in terms of its essence, natural gas between China and Russia, the this long-term supply agreement is the energy cooperation between China and Russia has a milestone significance, this thesis will from each of the energy cooperation between Russia and China to history to analyze the energy cooperation between the two countries, which naturally includes the mutual restriction and mutual support relationship for a variety of ingredients.From the point of interest and development prospects of energy cooperation between the two countries. So the research ideas of this paper are as follows:the introduction part first introduces the research object of this paper, analyzes the research background, research significance and research methods.The second chapter introduces the situation of the Sino Russian energy cooperation between the two countries, energy security issues involving the Chinese, including Chinese self-sufficiency situation broken, dependence on foreign energy consumption structure is unreasonable, China grow with each passing day, China energy security is facing great external risk, China complete the strategic petroleum reserve system has not been established, the basic characteristics of energy strategy analysis Russia, on the basis of the four favorable conditions China cooperation with Russia:superior geographical environment and regional advantages, energy strategy have in common, good momentum of development of political environment, Chinese "revitalize the northeast old industrial base" and "the Russian Far East Development Plan", and the review of Sino Russian energy cooperation has achieved the results, including the Sino Russian high-level visits, and Russia in the oil, China Natural gas, electricity and coal fields.Chapter three, analysis of the impact factors of the energy cooperation between China and Russia, which has recommended items in the Sino Russian energy cooperation between the two countries are facing constraints, such as the twists and turns of pipeline construction and gas prices become the new factors, coal cooperation for many years in the future development, in addition, other countries and regions in the world, in the United States, South Korea, Japan, the European Union countries for energy cooperation between the two countries.The fourth chapter, analysis of the energy cooperation between Russia and Russia energy cooperation Chinese, analysis of main problems:Sino Russian energy cooperation for cooperation programmes, formed a system of Russia expert thinks and Chinese cooperation is not conducive to the development of the social economy, the China energy imports is not entirely dependent on the presence of Russia, on its own energy supply uncertainty. Analysis of the main problems of China Energy Cooperation:such as lack of energy in the long-term strategic planning, some false statements China lossy image of the level of development of technology affect the mutual political trust between the two countries, Chinese energy enterprises and international lags far behind developed countries, Russia infrastructure is restricted to the export of energy policy, Russia and the two China tax is not conducive to the development of long-term cooperation.The fifth chapter proposed to further promote the Sino Russian energy cooperation policy recommendations:in the full interpretation of the other country’s strategic energy policy based on formulation of their energy cooperation plan, more dialogue and exchanges to enhance political mutual trust, China and Russia will need to improve and perfect their own market environment to promote cooperation, adjust the direction, strategic to the East transfer, deepen and enrich the connotation of Sino Russian energy cooperation strategy.The last part, the conclusion, summarizes the viewpoints of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Russia, Energy, Cooperation
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