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China Information Industry Classification And Input-output Analysis

Posted on:2017-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L XueFull Text:PDF
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Today’s society, the information society, as one of the three pillars, and material and energy together has become an important basis for economic development. Development of the information industry has become an important symbol to measure the level of development of the country, promoting the economic development of a country’s most important force. In the "fifth" period we realized the importance of the information industry, and plans to accelerate the economic development objectives, in "Thirteen Five" during the National Development and Reform Commission plans to turn the information economy and the direction of the major research areas, the information industry has become a key force in China’s economic development. And, and do not match the importance of the information industry is China’s information industry statistics are still very behind, at present the research on the theory of information industry-related statistics is not comprehensive enough, the government did not investigate the development of policy on information industry-related data, resulting in survey data and preparation work is still in the theoretical stage of exploration. Internationally, many countries and organizations have set up a special information industry classification, and even the establishment of a satellite account information industry, information industry a comprehensive accounting and analysis. However, there is still used in 2004 to develop a "division of statistical information on relevant industry Interim Provisions", in a certain period, the implementation of this policy provides a unified standard for China’s information industry in research and industrial development aspects of the law, but with the laws of economic and industrial development of the continuous awareness of the international classification of knowledge about the information industry has undergone great change, China has not adjusted accordingly, leading to international comparability of the information industry classification is getting worse, so creating a sets internationally comparable, and in line with China’s economic development situation of Information Industry Classification System imminent.In this paper, authoritative information on the industry classification for a detailed international comparison, including the "China Information Industry Interim Provisions", further come to China’s information industry classification, and then to 2010 Chinese input-output data,2010 census data Employment and occupational classifications population data based on the information, the input-output model to build China’s information industry, and then based on this model, the current situation of China’s information industry in the national economy in 2010 and its relationship with other industries empirical research.Firstly, the status and classification of the information industry research progress at home and abroad into the output of the sort, and further to the international authority of the Information Industry Classification System (ISIC, OECD information industry classification, the North American Industry Classification System, Australia-New Zealand industry classification system, the EU Industrial Classification System) and China’s information industry classification were compared, pointing out China’s information industry classification problems in China’s information industry to further design the new classification system.Secondly, the input-output model to the theory of a brief introduction, the main separation process the information sector (assuming coefficient method, the census method, a sample survey and typical survey, employment law, scale factor drift coefficient method and iterative method) were compared, and the establishment of procedures and methods of information industry input-output model were studied and analyzed.Finally, on the basis of the information industry has established classification and input-output method, using 2010 Chinese input-output extended table, compiled the information industry of China’s 2010 input-output profile, establishment of China’s information industry input-output model of China’s information industry industrial structure, industry dependencies, industrial economic, industrial economic and technical contact were analyzed.The results show that China’s information industry, smaller, lower capacity for independent innovation, industrial added value and industry economic benefits, strong dependence on their own, with significant agglomeration benefits, growth of the national economy has a significant role in promoting We should vigorously support and encourage innovation. In view of this, this study makes the following policy recommendations:1.speed up the transformation of the manufacturing sector of information technology play a role in promoting and connection information industry maintained a rapid growth of the national economy.2.Strengthening the information industry to support and encourage innovations in information technology, improve the economic efficiency of the information industry.3.Talent is the source of innovation, establish a more comprehensive information personnel training and development environment.4.related industries as the basis, the correct guidance information industry cluster development.5.develop communications equipment, computers and other electronic equipment manufacturing led the overall development of the information industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information industry, input-output system, industry classification
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