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Research On The Marketing Strategy Of Special Flour Of Lamsoon Group

Posted on:2016-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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The rising of special flour in China is not long, but the market has entered the competitive state. Facing the fierce competition in the industry, marketing has been consistent attention by the flour mill. Lamsoon Group is the famous special flour production enterprise. Its special flour is multy-brand, rich category. The production has a good sales performance in Southern China area. It is necessary to optimize the marketing strategy of special flour,because the enterprise has encountered more and more intensely competition in the domestic market. This paper researches the marketing strategy of special flour of LS in literature research, case study, theoretical analysis. The purpose of this research is to help the development of the enterprise in optimizing the marketing strategy of special flour.This paper describes Lamsoon Group ’s status and marketing, and find problems in special flour marketing. Then it describes the surrounding of enterprise. By analysis of SWOT, this paper assures marketing strategy. Finally, this paper assures appropriate safeguards. The key is marketing strategy and appropriate safeguards.This study mainly analyze and draw conclusions through PEST and SWOT tool. According to the analysis of PEST and SWOT, special flour of Lamsoon Group can be formulated the following marketing strategy. Product strategy, it is to focus on the development of high technology and high value-added products, to enrich the product category, to improve product quality, to integrate product brand. Promotion strategy, it is to increase the brand advertising, to make different ways of promotion in different sales channels. Pricing strategy, it is to combination high price and low price. Channel strategy, it is to stable Southern China market channels, to develop market channels of north of China, to develop rural and community market channels.In order to achieve the above marketing strategy, the appropriate safeguards should be made. First, LS should to optimize marketing organization system. Second, LS should to ensure that the market funds investment. Third, Lamsoon Group should to reintegrate supply chain.This study raises total brand construction and market segment of huge special flour production enterprise. This study has positive practical significance. It has a certain significance for China’s grain enterprises to product development and to implement the alienation production competition strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lamsoon Group, special flour, marketing strategy, SWOT analysis, price strategy
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