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The Stratgic Analysis Of M Group In Investment

Posted on:2016-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479982598Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since reform and opening up, with the CPC to further understanding of the market economy, the importance of private enterprises is also rising.Especially since the Congress of the party, non-State-owned economic sector became an important part of China’s economy, which officially became a major force in non-State-owned economy of private enterprise;Even asked the party’s 18 "unwavering encouragement, support and guide the non-public ownership economy development, accelerate the development of private financial institutions." Now, "keqiang economics" proposed will lead to development of private enterprises in some pain in the short term, but it points out the direction for the long-term development of private enterprises.At present, private enterprises have become an important part of national economy and the most active sources of economic growth, but also the problem of agriculture, employment and social stability are inseparable from socio-political issues such as the stability and development of private enterprises.Investment is one of the most important things in modern economic life, and as a major investment, occupying an increasingly important position in the whole investment system.Investment is also a source of private enterprise further development, choice of appropriate investment is crucial to the development of an enterprise.Similarly, investment in health is the Foundation of maintaining sustained and rapid development of private enterprises, is the basic means of reproduction, is the important way to get value of private enterprises.However, the private enterprise’s investment situation is commensurate with its status and role is not at this stage, the private enterprise investment problem has become the largest obstacle to their development "bottleneck", need to be addressed.From the perspective of enterprise development and investment strategies to be financial strategy and financial strategy is an important component of corporate strategy, should match the company’s strategy, and for the realization of the company’s strategy to provide protection and support.Without guarantees of financial strategy, the company’s investment process is capable of producing a variety of financial risks, thus affecting the realization of the strategic goals of the company.Financial strategies can help the company ordered the mobilization and organization of resources, efficient use and use of the relevant resources, mitigate risk, achieve their goals.Papers to basic investment learn theory, and risk management theory and economics theory for logic beginning, to private enterprise investment status for point, in system, and in-depth analysis private enterprise project investment status and exposed out of problem of based shàng, from legal guarantees, and policy support, and investment environment, and investment management and risk management, aspects on private enterprise project investment problem do has analysis research, in system analysis has private group m of investment in the exists problem and the produced causes of based shàng, Analysis get the company exists of investment exists investment efficiency low, investment lack diversity, problem, study its causes, main is has macro and micro performance, macro shàng, legal guarantees system, government regulatory, investment environment, problem restricted with private enterprise of development, micro shàng is has, private enterprise itself development problem, internal management mechanism and risk recognition and risk management this several links in the exists of problem are restricted with private enterprise investment strategy of implementation.Problems existed in macro and micro, author of m of private investment recommendations made by the strategic development of the Group also include macro and micro parts, macro, including to develop and improve relevant laws and regulations, accelerating the construction of government functions, and create a good investment environment.Micro focus more on private enterprises ’ development and construction, including a clear investment direction, determine corporate investment strategy, improve SMEs ’ internal management mechanism, improving internal financing capacity, project risk management, enhance their own ability to resist risks, and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private enterprise, Investment strategy, Risk management
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