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Study On Financing Problems Of Farmers In Changchun

Posted on:2016-12-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479981584Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
All along, China’s urban-rural dual structure is a very obvious one country, the level of economic development in most rural areas are still at a relatively low level. In earlier years, the income of farmers still comes from traditional farming or dispersion of a strong small-scale family-style workshop. However, in recent years, with the rapid development of China’s urbanization progress in deepening reform and rural market economy, economic activity is increasing the value of farmers, growing consumer demand and financial needs, the demand for funds also increased significantly. But because farmers have a line of credit financing of small, high frequency, management is difficult, high risk, high cost characteristics of the current rural financial services institutions are not keen to lend to farmers, there is a psychological fear to some extent, to finance rural configuration frequency resources and supply cannot meet the actual needs of the "three rural" development, farmers want more difficult to get financial support from banks and other financial institutions, which to some extent hindered the pace of development of the rural economy, affecting farmers’ income enhance the level of modern agricultural science and technology, innovation, have a serious impact digestibility and rural industrial structure adjustment. Therefore, improving the financing of research on farmers, farmers seek financing problems in the process, to ease the conflict between farmers and financial institutions, to enhance the level of income in rural areas economy, promote sustainable and stable development of agricultural modernization, promote industrial restructuring of the rural economy and so plays an important role in promoting the guide; to stimulate the rural economy continues to grow rapidly, narrowing the gap between rich and poor, urban and rural optimize the allocation of resources has important theoretical and practical significance.Changchun is an important agricultural industry base, but for a long time by the agricultural structure is irrational, a single mode of production, the impact of the low level of production technology and other factors, the development of rural areas in Changchun City is not ideal, low overall level of household income single form, etc., study its main factor is that residents in rural areas of Changchun unable to obtain financial funds to their own needs, existing financial institutions for loans to farmers of the lack of enthusiasm, the entire approval process is too cumbersome, lengthy, serious impediment to the enthusiasm of farmers borrowing, investment activities cause some farmers affected by the reduction of personal income families, the overall slow pace of economic development in rural areas. Therefore, this paper based on this phenomenon of Changchun farmer financing research, systematic summary of the theory of financial development, rural finance theory, asymmetric information theory, the theoretical basis for determining the financing of farmers; then Changchun region by region to conduct field research, with a view to Farmers find financing process various issues raised countermeasures to resolve these issues for the realization of farmers financing behavior of force continuity and cyclical meager contribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban-rural dual structure, household financing, financial institutions, Changchun
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