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Bole Leisure Agriculture Development Present Situation And Countermeasure Research

Posted on:2016-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M BaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479496892Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of leisure agriculture, for the adjustment of agricultural structure optimization,and even upgrade the entire national economy provides a useful supplement. Leisure agriculture in Europe,Japan and China Taiwan has developed over the years, formed a complete industrial system and management model. Mainland China Leisure Agriculture has nearly 30 years of development, but in the initial stage, the product is not high quality of service, management is not standardized, there are different degrees. From the perspective of rural development, the development of leisure agriculture and rural driving between materials, capital and information exchanges, can break through the limitations of the dual structure, created in order to promote agricultural tourism in order to promote the agricultural development model of tourism development, to solve our rural issues, provide a new development path.Bole as Boertala Mongol Autonomous Prefecture capital city, there are 31 ethnic minority, the jurisdiction of the six towns(field), a population of about 150,000. Nearly three years of economic and social Bole entered a new stage of development, the local government called it "fast start year, doubling every three years," the ever-changing urban landscape. Bole 914,000 tourists each year, 207 million yuan of tourism revenue, was named China’s outstanding tourist city. The area has a colorful culture folk customs,agricultural development has advantages and prospects of tourism development. Farmhouse constitute the main part of the leisure agriculture, according to incomplete statistics, there are lotus pond Bole, tannoy Ecological Park farmhouse two, three-star farmhouse more than 20. Bole, leisure and tourism agricultural enterprises reached 36 in 2010, 16,000 tourists trips and leisure agriculture, operating income 18.2 million yuan, more than 200 people to solve the employment of farmers, 1300, leisure agriculture tourism and agricultural development Bole provide strong complementary.However, due to the theoretical study of leisure agriculture in the region lags behind the government in the development of leisure agriculture, lack of systematic theoretical guidance of scientific planning and macro-level, leading to the current emergence of a smaller overall size of leisure agriculture and rural tourism, intensification not high, less competitive, single product, service not up to standard, and other deep-seated problems, the need for further in-depth systematic theoretical study of leisure agriculture,scientific theoretical guidance to promote the healthy development of leisure agriculture Bole.This paper first elaborates the significance and purpose of developing leisure agriculture.. Again,in-depth analysis of the current situation and restricting factors of Bole City Leisure agriculture. Again, the empirical analysis of the leisure agriculture development of successful cases of experience. On the basis of reference and puts forward perfect Bole City leisure agriculture development strategies and innovative conclusions: micro marketing in leisure agriculture, break the propaganda model, the implementation of brand strategy; to integrate the advantages of resources, to carry out "Festival Tour" "picking Tour" and other activities to help increase; unified standard management, to create a line of high-quality goods travel;according to local conditions to develop, so that farmers get benefits; integrated agriculture related preferential capital; project development promote employment; to expand investment channels, to strengthen the construction of infrastructure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bole, leisure agriculture, Development Strategies
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