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Analysis Of The Piscatorial Science And Technology’s Productive Efficiency Based On DEA Model In China

Posted on:2016-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479487602Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the circumstances of China’s slower economic growth, the first document of the central committee of the CPC continue to focus on "three agricultures" problems,agriculture play a basic role on China’s economic. Since 2007, the first document directly stresses the important role of agricultural science and technology innovation every year. Central Government Working Report of 2015 also stresses that under the new normal of economy, it is important to improve quality and efficiency of agriculture.Agricultural focus going forward will be on improving capacity of competitiveness,innovation and sustainable development.The fishery as an important part of agriculture plays a vital role in the protection of national food security, the prosperity of the rural economy and the optimization of national food structure. However, the situation faced on accelerating the speed of Chinese fisheries is still grim. Firstly, China is still a fishery resources deficient country, especially the high quality fishery resources which has greatly restrained the Chinese fishery continually development ability. Secondly, under the economical globalization background, the Chinese fishery received competition come from other country. What’s more, the weakness tendency of global economy is a serious attack to the Chinese weak fishery compared to other country. Vigorously development on science and technology and improvement on the efficiency of transformation of scientific and technological achievements are important driving forces to keep the healthy development of Chinese fishery.There are two paths to improve the fishery science and technology innovation output. One of them is the extensive growth path by increasing the input of technological innovation to improve the innovation output. However,present China still not established fishery science and technology innovation evaluation of scientific standard and system. Fishery science and technology social investment is not subject to budget constraints, but restricted by the market mechanism and the investment profit, which means that it can’t increase without limit. The other way is intensive growth path by innovation and it is a sustained competitive one. In practice,allocation of research institutions set and power is not reasonable and China fisheries research institution’s comprehensive strength and innovation ability appears an even greater concern.Therefore, the efficiency is much more remarkable than the investment from the respect of increasing government investment in science and technology lead to improve the supply of fishery science and technology and the establishment of Fisheries Science and technology innovation mechanism based on the improvement of efficiency. Moreover, compared with the investment, the influence factors of technology innovation efficiency of Fisheries are more complicated and more difficult to solve. Science and technology innovation efficiency of Fisheries Science and technology innovation is an important theory issue facing China fishery, and the sustained innovation ability of fishery science and technology.At present, there is little research in science and technology production efficiency of Fisheries, because of data scarcity. The purpose of this thesis is establishing a set of scientific fishery science and technology input and output index system and efficiency calculation model.Referring to the related literature in other areas of science and technology agriculture about production efficiency research experience, combined with the characteristics of fishery itself, the research in fishery scientific and technological production efficiency can be divided into two stages. One is the calculation of scientific achievements in China fishery, and the other is the stage of fishery science and technology achievements transforming into realistic productivity. This paper calculates the two stages of comprehensive efficiency, puretechnical efficiency and scale efficiency, and comprehensive compares the two stages.The conclusion comes down as follows. Firstly, in recent years the fishery technology innovation China input-output structure adjustment have got some achievements, technology innovation input-output ratio tends to be more reasonable, as of 2012, the stage of scientific and technological achievements has reached the level of efficiency. Secondly, high investment brings high output, but it not necessary to bring high efficiency. On the one hand, the study on fishery papers and patents are overcapacity. On the other hand, the transformation from scientific and technological achievements into realistic productivity is overcapacity. Scientific and technological achievements are constructed redundant. The era of increasing the number of inputs to drive the development of fisheries productivity is over and improving the efficiency of transformation of scientific and technological achievements is the current focus of the work. Thirdly, the fishery science and technology achievements to realistic productivity returns to scale have entered decline stage. Continuing to increase investment can bring the increase of fishery science and technology achievements but the realistic productive contribution will gradually decrease.It is significant to combine theory with practice. Faced with the problem of inefficiency, the paper summarizes obstacles how to improve the efficiency of fishery science and technology production through on-the-spot investigation, visiting experts and literature review. The paper analyzes the factors that affect the efficiency of the production Chinese fishery science and technology, and discusses how to use more effective institutional and policy tools to improve the efficiency of China fishery science and technology production system. All of them provide theoretical basis for the investment decision, as well as policy issues related to China fishery scientific and technological innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:piscatorial science and technology, DEA model, productive efficiency
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