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Strengthened Strategy Study On Cigarette Retail Terminal Management Of Yantai

Posted on:2016-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330473957862Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, China implements the monopoly system in tobacco industry. Under the protection of the monopoly system, China’s tobacco industry has made tremendous contributions to China’s economic development and modernization in recent years. With the liberalization of global economic integration development environment and the domestic cigarette market, the tobacco industry is facing the impact from multiple parties. In January 9th,2011, "the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" has fully implemented in China. In 2013, the CPC Central Committee and State Council has issued "Notice of leading cadres take the lead in matters related to stop smoking in public places", which requires leading cadres at all levels stop smoking in public places. The tobacco industry is facing increasingly tough control situation. Under such circumstances, how to positively change the marketing mode and actively respond to changes and challenges in domestic and international cigarette market has become the issue of concern. Marketing channel theory suggests that retail outlets is extremely valuable marketing resources and has great significance as the end of the retail terminal channels. For today’s society, who occupied the terminal, whoever occupied the market. Therefore, the cigarette business enterprises should strengthen the management of retail outlets to effective optimization cigarette marketing network and enhance market control.The cigarette retail terminal is the end of cigarette retail marketing channels, which is responsible for connection of the tobacco industry to undertake upstream enterprises, the commercial enterprises and downstream links cigarette consumers an important role, and which is a key bridge between the tobacco industry and consumers. To fully carry cigarette retail terminal management is not only face the law of development of modern cigarette marketing, but also helpful to enhance the quality of service and the basic needs of economic efficiency. Through the investigation on cigarette retail outlets in Yantai area, we can find that the current management for the cigarette retail terminal is not perfect and the functions are not sufficient. The specific problems are:the cigarette retail terminal’s building quality is not high, the services on cigarette retail terminal are weaknesses, the operators of cigarette retail terminal are lack of capacity, the management of cigarette retail terminal is not effective enough.Through the experiences of parts of the country, combined with the actual situation and the capabilities and resources in Yantai, we propose the appropriate strategies for strengthening the management of retail terminal. First we should put region on cigarette retail terminal and ensure of the construction quality of the modern cigarette retail terminal. Secondly, by enhancing the customer delivered value and strengthen the ability of the marketers, we can improve the service specification and content of the cigarette retail terminal. Third, by improving the retail training system, we should guide the retail making full use of terminals’functions and enhance the viability of the retail terminal. Fourth, we should improve the resource utilization of the retail terminal and strengthen the standardized management of the retail terminal through the improving daily management. In short, by strengthening the management on cigarette retail terminal in Yantai, we can optimize the regional cigarette marketing network and improve market power as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:tobacco industry, cigarette retail terminal, marketing, management
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