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Analysis Of The Financial-early-warning Model Of X Company

Posted on:2015-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YanFull Text:PDF
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October 1,2011 has a 131-year-old camera maker Eastman-Eastman Kodak Company (EK) filing for bankruptcy protection. Affected by this news, Kodak shares tumbled 68 percent, the highest since 1974, the company’s largest single-day decline. January 3,2012, Kodak announced that it has received a warning from the NYSE because the average closing price has fallen below $1 for 30 consecutive days. If the stock price over the next six months lackluster, Kodak will face delisting. Since its facing liquidity challenges and can not guarantee that in the next six month period to achieve the NYSE listing standards.In the country, from Nanjing floor running, to Hangzhou floor running, and then to Changsha 8 Property boss arrested floor running, their funding strand breaks total direct debt crisis triggered the outbreak Not difficult to find in-depth study of these events mainly due to mismanagement of financial risks, the lack of financial risk early warning mechanism:when the financial position of the police intelligence failed to make a scientific and accurate predictions of the leading companies in trouble can not extricate themselves.Financial risk is everywhere, as a signal of crisis, affects the survival, development and profitability, we must be as soon as possible to prevent and control until the deterioration of the financial risk to the financial crisis, beyond the ability of enterprises to master any rescue measures it is too late. Therefore, understanding the risk, forecasting risk, and thus prevent and control risks. Is the best way to save the business in a timely manner. How to create a risk warning system to understand the sources of risk and characteristics, correct prediction, a measure of financial risk, when the risk to predict the sign of corporate crisis, appropriate pre-alert, the development of the reasons for the deteriorating financial situation in a timely manner so that the operator can take effective measures to improve the business management in the embryonic stage of the financial crisis, the crisis in the bud, is placed in front of each enterprise realistic and urgent task.The knowledge needs of the analysis of financial risk early warning system is proposed to build the idea based on the the financial ontology financial risk warning system to construct a financial risk early warning knowledge management system framework. Financial risk management is an important part of enterprise risk management is a concentrated expression of the business risk. Financial risk early warning is the development of a new level of financial risk management. The focus of financial risk early warning is to seize the small-scale, low degree of financial risk events and changes in financial position, financial control measures to prevent small incidents lead to big risk to the enterprise into a financial crisis. The 21st century economy is an economy under the conditions of the world economic integration, based on knowledge of decision-oriented economy. Business management into the era of knowledge economy, the work environment and job content completely changes, knowledge management concepts and methods continue to penetrate the financial management, and provides an opportunity for financial management innovation. Financial risk early warning is an important knowledge on the technical work, and how to introduce the concept of knowledge management in the corporate financial risk management, build financial risk early warning system to help managers to accurately understand the financial situation of enterprises, know the risk response is to carry out so as to reduce business risk, reduce financial losses, explore the establishment of a scientific and systematic financial risk early warning mechanism, the enterprise managers should be concerned about.All the business activities of enterprises can be divided into two categories:business activities and financial activities. Accordingly, the business plan can be divided into business and financial plans, risk can be divided into the business and financial risks. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the financial risk management of non-financial corporations, the case of X, the basic concepts and theoretical basis of financial warning, financial early warning methods and models. Make the financial position of the Company X on the basis of the analysis of the financial risk early warning X.Company X as a military institutions charged with the important task of state-owned assets, fully aware of the significance of the risk management, implement the SASAC, the central enterprise-wide risk management guidelines "to ensure that the requirements of state-owned assets, in particular, to learn from CAO short-term loss of more than $500 million event caused by the disastrous consequences of state-owned assets expose the internal control system is not perfect, the prevention and control of financial risks failure to cause serious consequences to the state and enterprises. Therefore, to carry out a comprehensive risk management is imperative. Financial risk early-warning mechanism to establish comprehensive risk management is extremely important and crucial step.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial risk, crisis, early-warnig model
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