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The Military Enterprise Scienlific Research Funds Management Research In Our Coutry

Posted on:2014-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ChenFull Text:PDF
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Weapon equipment research and funding occupies an important position in the defense spending. It is closely related to safeguard national security, inextricably linked to national defense science and technology industry development, and marks the strength of a country’s military power. With the continuous improvement and development of China’s market economy system reform and the continued deepen of the National Defense Science and technology industries, the weapons and equipment management of scientific research funds keep its unique characteristics, its management model in China’s military enterprises is constantly developing, exploring new management model to adapt to new environmental requirements. Market factors in military products research and production increases, contradictions between old and new environment, leading to China’s military research funds management faces many new problems and challenges. How research funding can be reasonably and efficiently applied to our military weapon equipment research and development become issues in the sustainable development of Military Industry Enterprise.This article first describes the background and practical significance of the study, and define the definition of. the related research questions. Overview the management of scientific research funds of military industrial enterprises in China. Introduce management of scientific research funds of the military enterprise in China today from the Usage and management of scientific research funds side. And then, through the case study of company x, research funds management system, introduce the company’s project management, scientific research fund management processes, managing the budget and final accounts of research funding, detailed analysis of the current management status quo of scientific research funding several points on the universality and the cause of the problem. Pre-budget balance is too large, the low rate of implementation, the project funding budget ordinary existence. Project team cost awareness is not strong. Lack Cost consciousness, network information platform is Weak, enterprise research management single qualities.Defense industry research funds management is a complex system engineering, is not just a military enterprise internal management issues, is more of a national weapon system development requirements management system, due to its innate special properties, increase the efficiency of research funding reasonably and effectively will be a gradual process. For the above problem, this article submits several suggestions for rationalization improvement on the basis of existing scientific research fund management. Budget management is the key link, managing the research funds scientificly, calculate funds requirements reasonably, summary of use of funds. Strengthening the construction of rules and regulations, and actively organize income and tight control on spending. Strengthen the concept of team costs, enhanced policy research and application, optimization of cost structures. Strengthening monitoring and performance evaluation of the scientific research funds, establish a people-centered concept, the development of new ideas. Additional requirements of transparency, establish an open, fair and just bid competition mechanisms. Construct scientific item management information platform, establish internal communication mechanism of consultation. Train composite talents combining economics and technology management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Military Industry Enterprise, Research Funds, Funds Management
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