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Development Of Harbin-Changchun Urban Agglomeration Regional Integration

Posted on:2016-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470467305Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 21 st century, with the increasing levels of urbanization, development of urban agglomeration in urban areas is gradually leading the way for urban development. In the latest national introduction of the new urbanization plan(2014-2020 years) clearly states that accelerating the development of strategies, such as Ha-Chang urban agglomeration, so that in promoting balanced development of land space, leading the process of regional economic development plays an important role. Relying on superior resources areas develop their unique industries, accelerate new industrialization process of transformation, and gradually expand the modern industrial system, improve the infrastructure network construction and layout of the urban system reasonable areas, strengthening the division of labor between different cities, urban centers to enhance radiation driving ability, to form a strong economic vitality, good quality of life, beautiful ecological and environment new urban agglomeration.In this study, the first part and the second part firstly analyzed urban agglomeration and its associated implications for the development of the classical theory of the sort, and the present situation of the development were analyzed studies provide a good foundation for better study Ha-Chang urban agglomeration.The third part of Ha-Chang urban agglomeration city across Heilongjiang, Jilin two provinces of current conditions, Ha-Chang urban agglomeration for scoping group is particularly important. This study is based on principal component analysis based on the gravity model of urban agglomeration Ha Long range preliminarily defined, and further for the inadequacy of the gravity model, combined with traffic flow and other ways to Ha-Chang urban agglomeration ranges comprehensive defined.The fourth part is to determine the scope of Ha-Chang urban agglomeration in the preliminary group, the present study for the Ha-Chang urban agglomeration development status and the advantages and disadvantages for an effective research and analysis, in-depth anatomical conditions Ha Long city group development process faces, and conducted to analyze the development process for the urban population may arise.The fifth part on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of this study proposes targeted Ha-Chang urban agglomeration development strategies, and its summarized form of effective urban agglomeration development strategies and experiences, in order to better to promote the construction of Ha-Chang urban agglomeration, develop and improve.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harbin-Changchun Urban agglomeration, Gravity model, Situation analysis, Development strategies
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