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Comprehensive Capability Evaluation System Of Enterprise Financial Management Consulting

Posted on:2016-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R F TanFull Text:PDF
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The financial management system of the current enterprise should be an organic whole. The financial management should be based on reasonable financial budget system, at the same time by fitting effectively financial supervision and regulation means, the formation of objective perfect financial management system. Ente rprises to the capital gain is not stable, so that their difference is maximum and the non-profit organization is to achieve a stable business profits, through this kind of income to maintain the organization’s operation. Because of this business enterprise has no source of income, then the budget management of the organization is especially important. On the budget making reasonable and effective implementation, to demonstrate the activities and plans of the enterprise through the financial way, is very beneficial to organize various activities, can not only control the financial better, but also provides an effective basis for the operation of the organization. But at present, enterprises are facing a difficult problem, is the lack of funds. So, financing becomes the core content of the whole enterprise financial work, whether the normal operation of enterprises, to see whether the organization has to raise funds effectively, and whether to use these funds reasonable. It can be said that extensive funding and rational use of funds is an important guarantee for the effective operation of enterprises can. In the use of funds and effective, enterprises through the supervision of the entire financial process, formulate a reasonable financial budget according to past financial activities, and the use of laying the foundation for future organizational activities and their.For company’s financial management consulting comprehensive ability to expand research, which aims to build a complete evaluation system, in this system, the importance of indicators were weighted according to the different assignment. Financial management consulting companies have comprehensive capabilities crucial to their development, constitute its core competitiveness, the level of management to a large extent, will be integrated financial management consulting capabilities impact strength. This indicator system as a basis for business in corporate financial management consulting comprehensive ability scores are calculated based on the scores, companies can identify their level of competence in this regard, also found his own shortcomings and areas for improvement. With this system, companies can own integrated financial management consulting capabilities and advanced international companies compared with their presence and then found the gap between themselves and improve themselves, to reach the level of advanced enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial Management, Management Consulting, Evaluation System
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