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Study On The Marketing Strategy Of RAV4Producted By SFTMCF

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y PeiFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, with the rapid development of the automobile manufacturingindustry, the2014total car production and sales have reached the highest peak sincethe beginning of history. Sichuan FAW Toyota Motor Co., the company Changchunbranch which is by Toyota and China FAW Group jointly established Sino-Japanesejoint venture automobile manufacturing company, the current major automotiveproducts are Land Cruiser series, hybrid Prius series and urban SUV car RAV4. Dueto market demand, the main production is concentrated in the urban SUV car RAV4.With Chinese nationals increasing demand for cars, auto sales market expandedrapidly, but the major car brands more competitive. German cars, American cars,own-brand cars are all in the fight for the market share, also because of politicalissues and the national mood, Japanese cars is not dominant in the market. As theJapanese brand car, RAV4is facing tough competition.This paper analyzes the current SFTM Changchun Fengyue Company’smarketing situation, especially focus on RAV4. Through the analysis, I found themarketing problems of RAV4such as: Chinese customers in the automotive brandpositioning subjectivity tend German Group which are settled in China for manyyears; low reliability on the Japanese brands; because of the political problems causedby national sentiment against Japan, consumer sentiment and emotion determines thebehavior, negative emotions will affect consumption propensity; four-tier cities in themarketing channels is not perfect and lack of reasonable sales system. Then base onthe current situation, I will show you a detailed analysis about the reason of theseproblems in RAV4marketing. After the problems, I analyzed RAV4car marketing macro environment and micro environment. Through the analysis, found thatalthough alternatives competition and competition within the industry are shakingRAV4marketing, but the political environment, economic environment andtechnological environment of these macro environment are leading a better future forRAV4. Using SWOT to analyze external opportunities, threats, internal strengths andweakness, researched for marketing strategy aimed at RAV4.After the development ofrational marketing strategy, I analyzed the implementation guarantee, first of all,companies have their own corporate culture, and a clear and reasonable corporateculture is the backbone of this long-term business development. Establish a goodcorporate image, to improve customer confidence. Second, we must strengthen theconstruction and management of the marketing team. Precision marketing is throughmodern information technology to achieve personalized marketing campaigns,personalized communication technology to achieve maximum efficiency in thepursuit of business. For an enterprise, the customer must be pay more attention thanto product; the pursuit of cost is superior to the pursuit of price; provide consumerswith the convenience is more important than marketing channels; emphasis oncommunication not just promotion. Companies must consider from the consumerpoint of view, to provide consumers with satisfactory products and services, so as tobe invincible in the competition.This paper implement customer-oriented thinking, focus on corporate culture,also for future business development SFTM Changchun Fengyue company to providea favorable theoretical support.
Keywords/Search Tags:SFTMCF, RAV4car, Sino-Japanese joint venture, SWOT Analysis, TheMarketing Theory of4Ps
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