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Study On Economic Evaluation Of ZDT Nuclear Power Projects

Posted on:2016-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467981422Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the human produced green house gases continue to increase,resulting in global warmingand a series of environmental problems hasbecome more and more serious, therefore, all the countries in the world beganto vigorously develop clean energy, nuclear power as a clean and efficientenergy to get the attention of people.In China’s energy and long-termplanning,nuclear power accounted for a very important position. It is expectedthat by2020, China’s nuclear powersize by current less than10000000kilowatts to70000000kilowatts.AP1000was developed by America Westinghouse third generationnuclear power technology,adopts advanced pressurized water reactor passive(Advanced Passive PWR),power1250MWe,the60years design life, the mainpassive safety system design.Nuclear energy is a new clean energy, since the last century,the world’sfirst nuclear power plant has been put into operation, there have been30yearsof development history,nuclear power generating capacity in twenty-firstCentury will account for1/5of the total world power, China has established thestrategic goal of the large-scale development of nuclear power standard. LikeChina a number of population, the shortage of energy and time,is still in thedeveloping country,safe,and efficient use of energy, is a strategic choice forChina’s economic and social sustainable and scientific development. Thedevelopment and construction of nuclear power,the nuclear generationincoal,which is the contradiction between China’s energy structure adjustment,promote energy conservation,to strengthen Protect environment;at the sametime,the reality is the realization of China’s overall economic and socialsustainable and scientific development.The advantages of accelerating the development of nuclear power: (1)Nuclear energy is the energy efficiency,the use of nuclear energy canreplace fossil fuel;(2)Nuclear power plant construction,operation,maintenance cost is much lowerthan the thermal power plant;(3)Used in nuclear power plants andnuclear materials can greatly alleviate thetraffic pressure;(4)Nuclear energy is a clean energy,can reduce emissions of pollutants,suchas carbon dioxide,soot, sulfur dioxide,carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide andother harmful gas emissions.Because of the advantages of nuclear power,nuclear power will becomethe most important part ofthe pattern of world energy industry in the future willbe in the development of electric power.This paper briefly introduces the development trend of the world nuclearpower and nuclear power in China and China has built nuclear powerplant situation and economic analysis of nuclear power,economy of Chinacoal, hydropower, natural gas power generation cost, through to the domesticand foreign nuclear power capacity under construction or operation of theunit, according to the type of reactor, power, localization rate and otherindicators, using the method of economic evaluation,comparison analysis.Economic evaluation of ZDT projects, the indexes of the project areanalyzed,the conclusion.
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